Oh give me a fucking break! If Shatner wanted to be in more Trek movies then maybe
HE SHOULDN'T HAVE KILLED OFF HIS CHARACTER!!!First he wants to be Kirk. Then, he's done with it and wants to move on. Then he kills Kirk. Then he immediately goes out and starts writing novels about Kirk's resurrection and continued heroics. Then he wants to distance himself from Trek because he won an Emmy for Boston Legal. Now, he's back to wanting to be Kirk and be in Trek. Make up your fucking mind, fatboy!
Instead of supporting the movie, as he should be doing, he's coming off sounding like a spoiled, whiny brat who's griping about not getting what he wants. As if stirring up all the over-forty virgins that still worship the TOS bible would make a difference. Plus, I love how he's like
"Well, if they're not going to let me be in the movie, then I'll just go write a book about how I think Kirk and Spock met. The fans will follow ME! Nyah!"
As for "box office" pull due his presence, the man is deluded. I want this movie to be successful, and re-invigorate the Trek franchise. I want modern. I want retcon. I want it to be real, and fast, and hard, and exciting, and good!
I do NOT want "Will........iamShatner!"
Goodbye Shatner. Your Kirk days are done. You brought it on yourself...