Originally Posted By: Sonhaven
I'm a big Doctor Who fan. Its cool ya'll have a thread dedicated to the show. For what my two cents are worth. I loved the ninth doctor, I really think he brought alot of life back to the show. The tenth Doc is growing on me. I did not care for much for season two, but season three had some very good episodes. (Blink, Family of Blood) John Sims was an excellent Master. Doc 10 is coming into his own. I'll keep watching.

Holy crap! You're alive? Welcome back, "Tayden"!

And, I agree exactly with your assessment of the modern series. I think Tennant is finally growing into his own Doctor. Meanwhile, Eccleston's 9th Doctor was "the star that burns brightest, burns quickest" of the Docs. I loved his incarnation, and hope I will get to glimpse him once more one day...