yeah. people who point out all these muslim complaints seem to overlook the christian complaints about harry potter being a tool of evil and sex education being a tool of evil and teaching science and not the bible being a tool of evil.
it's really sad how wimpy the abrahamic god is that all these lowly humans need to defend the poor guy from all these books and swimming pools
The difference is:
Christians don't go out and kill and threaten those who don't ascribe to their views. They may hold picket signs or launch mail campaigns or write their congressman, or donate money to help starving people, but they don't kill, intimidate or fund terrorist groups.(I myself don't see the harm in Harry Potter, any more than I do the latest issue of DOCTOR STRANGE, or movies like
Rosemary's Baby or the
Exorcist. None of these are the Satanic Bible or the Necronomicon, they're just lowbrow/middlebrow entertainment. )
Actually, what Christians teach is science that's not in denial that there's a God. The complaint of Christians is the suppression in our schools of any scientific evidence that there's a God, that's deemed too politically correct or "offensive" to discuss.
The theory of "intelligent design" is that the complexity of nature suggests an ordered pattern, too ordered to have randomly occured, that the very order of the universe suggests there is a Designer.
And I'll just ignore the more blasphemous and pointlessly inflammatory parts of what you said.