Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Personally, I'd prefer to not know the Joker's origins.

i agree -- i actually never liked that whole aspect of "the killing joke." i much prefer the spin paul dini and bruce timm applied in "mad love", where the killing joke story, or the abusive father story, are two possible truths in the joker's warped and manipulative mind. he'll spin them out as he sees fit, but no one ever knows what really happened.

 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
I dunno, I'm kinda with G-Man on this - it looks too "circus clown" and not "homicidalmaniacfacefuckedupbyacid clown".

i dunno, lady. this:

 Originally Posted By: Uschi

is creepy as all fuck. disturbing, spooky... and creepy.

i really love the hannibal lector portrayal of the joker. the cool, collected, creepily calm, mastermind. clearly insane, but clearly a genius. he can get loud and zany when he needs or wants to be, but he's always in control. thats when mark hammill throws in that glutteral chuckle of his, which i've always found more powerful than the traditional bellow of "HA"s.

whether the joker's visage is caused from makeup, a dead person's severed face, or some magical acid that doesn't burn or kill but just turns things white... it really doesn't matter to me. if the guy is funny, disturbing, evil and creepy, i'm sold.

giant picture