Originally Posted By: harleykwin
I dunno, I'm kinda with G-Man on this - it looks too "circus clown" and not "homicidalmaniacfacefuckedupbyacid clown".

That said, if they go with a new origin, that's cool - I may not be in love with this particular look for the Joker, but a good story (new origin or no) trumps everything else...

If I have to deal with natural web shooters, you can deal with a little makeup.

Besides, does it really matter? Yeah, we can deconstruct the pic this way and that all day long, but the whole dipped in acid thing isn't really a big part of the Joker character anyway. If they changed the fact that Superman's planet exploded or that Batman's parents were shot and killed in front of him, that might be a cause for alarm (notice the use of the word "might") but I just don't see the whole acid thing as mattering two bits.