Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Personally, I'd prefer to not know the Joker's origins.

i agree -- i actually never liked that whole aspect of "the killing joke." i much prefer the spin paul dini and bruce timm applied in "mad love", where the killing joke story, or the abusive father story, are two possible truths in the joker's warped and manipulative mind. he'll spin them out as he sees fit, but no one ever knows what really happened.

 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
I dunno, I'm kinda with G-Man on this - it looks too "circus clown" and not "homicidalmaniacfacefuckedupbyacid clown".

i dunno, lady. this:

 Originally Posted By: Uschi

is creepy as all fuck. disturbing, spooky... and creepy.

no, it's not. he just looks like a shmuck in a cheap ass halloween outfit. I don't care about his "origin" or lack of, but he should at least look like something that would blow your mind. I've seen shitloads of better Jokers at Con. they should go the Conrad Veidt route.