Washington appeared to be a sincere Christian. Read his declaration of the first
Thanksgiving Jefferson appeared to believe in God but his writings show he was the type of man that needed concrete evidence. As previously mentioned the Jeffersonian bible removed all miracles and concetrated on moral logic. It is said he later recounted this action on his death bed, but that's a bit suspect.
Look, Ive got more than one degree in American history and I even teach it to this countries youth and what I've learned is this: This country was started for a hundred different reasons by thousands of different people. To some it was meant to be a Christian nation from the begining (The puritans called thier settlement "a city on the hill" , a beacon for others to see true Christian charity.) To some it was all about making money and bettering their lives (even at the cost of others), and to many it was meant to be a fresh start. Georgia was started by James Oglethorp to be a place for English debters in prison to get a second chance, while at the same time King George just wanted a buffer zone of poor people between the profitable Carolinas and Spanish Florida.
I think that's one of things that makes this country amazing is that we can all do, feel, and think what ever we want and we can lead the lives that we choose.
God I love living here!