Originally Posted By: whomod

Completely agree with you there. I dunoo about you but were you sort of weirded out that Superman takes Lois Lane to the Fortress to engage in some pre-maritial secret fucking?

Exactly what I was thinking. Six months in a now physical relationship and she doesn't know that Superman writes novels in his spare time and grew up on a farm? I can see this in Friends or Melrose Place, but he's Superman, the big blue boy scout. Martha should have said "That's not the boy I raised." ten minutes into the movie.

I'd have liked the Doomsday battle more if I saw it through fresh eyes, but I have already read Death of Superman in comics, beaten the SNES game, sold the trading card set on eBay, and read the Roger Stern novel.

The soundtrack was good though.

I used to roam the world fighting monsters and sleeping in mud. Now look at me, living in a castle, sleeping in a bed. Aren't I sweet? Yuck!