I think if he truly is sincere about this and signs a contract for less money just to stay with the Yanks and embarasses Boras in the process he will be loved by all of baseball. I won't ever truly embrace the guy till he wins a championship wearing pinstripes (I've already given away my A Rod shirts and jersey to good will) but he certainly seems to be on his way to repairing his reputation. Furthermore, I believe he will remove all presure whatsoever from himself if he has a long contract with the Yanks and shows he is more interested about the team than the money.

At this point I could go either way. It's tough to replace him and you don't want to trade for a third baseman 'cause that might mean getting rid of Hughes or Kennedy. Lowell is the greatest clubhouse prescence in all of baseball but his numbers aren't as good as they seem (this year he batted .370 at Fenway and .280 elsewhere) but he would be a helluva first baseman for the Yanks if they get him and A Rod.

Either way we will make the Sox overpay for Lowell or force them to give up Bucholz and Elsbury to get Cabrera.....HA HA!