You sound as if you have a problem with Mexicans Wonder Boy.

There are still some parts of the country I can go to where I may speak English till I turn blue but if I'm say, with my wife or family and for some reason we decide to communicate amongst ourselves in Spanish, I'll still receive indignant looks as I've committed some unpardonable crime.

It used to happen a lot to me back in the 1970's and my neck of the woods was still primarily Caucasian. Now, not so much as people here actually respect differences and in my experience are eager to learn about other cultures other than their own. Thank goodness for "white flight" I say. It tends to weed out the intolerant xenophobes.

It's not so much that some people want others to assimilate, they want others to completely obliterate any semblance of ethnicity lest their delicate ears hear a foreign tongue and they turn to stone. And it wasn't a desire to make one "assimilate", in my experience among people like this, it was a desire to make ones heritage appear inferior and worthy of obliteration.

As for Garcia being more common, good. I can't number the many times some asshole, either back in school or else in my working life that has changed my name to something more Caucasian sounding to put THEMSELVES at ease. Everything else about me told them "like me" except my name and they were all too eager to fix that as if it needed to be fixed.

Which is why I give you a hard time Wondy. Because I know your type from years of experience and I'm having none of it. One of the benefits of living in California is that except for the occasional incursion into the affluent westside where experiences with minorities goes as far as the maid or gardener (and it's reflected in the films and shows these people sometimes produce), I really don't have to put up with xenophobe crap anymore.

Did I tell you that the company I work for had some techs from (90% caucasian) Rhode Island visit us last year to upgrade our systems company-wide? I had the distinct pleasure of visiting several sites where these techs were at work. They looked as pissed off and miserable that Mexicans actually looked them in the eye and demanded acknowledgement and parity that they almost without fail rudely refused to give anyone that wasn't Caucasian or Asian. And they absolutely looked as if they were seething when people would speak Spanish. Best fucking month of my life. Wish it could have been you Wonder Boy. Wish it could have been you......