Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

None of what you said here even begins to answer the legitimate complaints I have about rampant hispanic immigration, their contempt for white America, and their forming a hispanic colony inside the U.S., enabling and endorsing massive illegal immigration into the U.S., etc. And the fact that Mexicans are the worst offenders in these categories, regarding gang membership, high-school dropout rates, welfare abuse, imprisonment, and on and on.

Excuse me? Hispanic colony? Elaborate. As for the rest, you just sound like a hate monger. The same crap comes up in regards to black people all the time and that in no way is indicative of the community as a whole. You however seem to try to make that into a portrait of a population. That is racism.

All you've done with your hate-filled rhetoric is confirm, with your own stereotypes of me and other white Americans, that you do have a contempt for us and our country. And that you do willingly enable the destruction of our culture, by replacing it with a hispanic culture. You gloat about it.
You delight in prejudicially tormenting those you, hypocritically, claim are the truly prejudiced ones.

Excuse me?? "Our country"? When did I stop being an American citizen? Or was that some accident that you'd gladly revoke to anyone not like YOU? You sound as if you think you own America and everyone else not Caucasian has to work hard to meet your standards and prove themselves to you and only then will you bestow approval and citizenship on them. *&*#%@[insert descriptive expletive here] I'm an American citizen despite your wishes. HAHA. As for replacing "your" culture with a Hispanic culture, you really don't know the 1st thing about Los Angeles do you? The name alone should be a big clue. No ones replacing shit. It's been here for HUNDREDS of years.

But look at your own words. Look at your own actions, as you've just described them. It's you who's behaving with hate and bigotry, it's you who's excluding others. It's you who is stereotyping whites. And once again, your baseless personal remarks about me are yet another attempt by you to box-categorize me to conform, despite what I've said, to your pre-conceived stereotype of a white bigot.

No, i'm not stereotyping whites en masse. I'm describing to you why I can't stand people like YOU. There is a difference. And the common factor is see in people like you is this refusal to cohabitate for any length of time and accept people who aren't just like them. That doesn't describe ALL Caucasians, just a segment of the population. A segment that likes to flee at the first sign of the numbers of non Caucasians growing. Something you yourself said makes you uncomfortable. You think it's "invasion". You think you're losing sovereignty. You think people are "taking over". All on account of the color of their skin or on account of language. Not on anything resembling reality.

Again, I've dated many, MANY hispanic women. If I were prejudiced against hispanics, I wouldn't socialize with or date hispanic women. I almost married a girl from Spain. I've dated women from just about every race and nationality. I've met immigrants from places like Iraq and Iran where their moving here saved them from being murdered by their governments, and they are supremely grateful and patriotic Americans as a result. My only objection to immigrants is if they don't assimilate, or --as you do-- voice an open hostility toward the whites/Americans who invited them legally into our country. Whether the immigrants in question are from Mexico, Germany, Czech Republic or wherever.

Fuck dude. That argument doesn't fly with me. it's easy for a bigot to be into a pretty woman of another race. It's quite another thing for you to actually accept and feel comfortable around her brother, her male cousin A MAN of her race, large numbers of people from her race. I've yet to encounter even full on openly unashamed bigots and skinheads, and I've been inside their houses before when they've thought I was one of their own, who don't accept pretty female minorities. It doesn't mean shit. It's like asking ANY man to be against Salma Hayek or Osama Bin laden's sexy neice.

Regarding co-workers of yours you say react with contempt when you talk with co-workers in spanish, has it ever occurred to you that they are not prejudiced, but that they are just annoyed at your rudeness? It's rude to exclude others by not speaking the language you all share. The assumption of anyone in that situation is that they are being deliberately excluded, or so they can be talked about behind their backs.

Ok, i'll accept that.Even though it was quite apparent that wasn't the case. But that was just icing. These assholes wouldn't even respond when asked questions or engaged in conversation and instead would just sneer. They'd only talk to whites and Asians as equals. Which was odd since they were deep in South L.A. and most of the people around them were blacks and latinos.