Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I think Wonder Boy is someone's alt id, perpetrating the greatest satire of our generation. No one, but NO ONE, can be that close-minded and xenophobic.

I'm disappointed in you, Snarf. I've always gotten along with you on these boards, and I've never joined in attacks on you.

I don't know why you'd join with the trolls and launch a personal attack on me. If you want to respectfully raise a legitimate point or counterpoint, okay. But character assassination and personal attack just tosses your opinion in a dismissive category.

Wanting to have our existing immigration laws enforced, and to protect our borders from illegal immigration, and more selectively choose the 1.2 million legal immigrants permitted to enter the U.S. every year, so they don't end up on welfare or in our prisons, is neither closed-minded or xenophobic. It's informed.