Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

More troll remarks, that smear with "fear, racism, hatred" labels, to mask that my arguments are about assimilation, not race.

wondy, it is about race. i remember one thread where you even slipped up and said the problem was the white race was being over run. And did you ever wonder if maybe immigrants might feel more comfortable in our country if there weren't people like you railing about how big a threat they are?
it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. someone wants to be here to work and have a nice life. people like you then talk about the evil aliens coming to destroy us and that makes these immigrants a little fearful of leaving their close knit communities. then their kids grow up with that fear (which leads to hatred as Yoda taught us) and they have a higher chance of turning to crime because of it. maybe if you unbunched your panties, lived your life, and didn't attack every non-white male out there the world might just be a better place.

Bow ties are coool.