Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

About 30% of legal immigrants to the U.S. since 1965 are Mexican, and God knows how many illegals. At least 30%.

But look at how the Mexican government treats Guatemalans and others who cross into Mexico across its southern border, and tell me if Mexicans have any moral high ground to accuse any other nation of racist or brutal behavior.

At least 30%!!! Oh the outrage!!! It's so outrageous that it bears repeating!!! 30%!!!!!
Then in the same breath you talk about the Central Amercans who cross over into Mexico illegally?

See Wonder Boy, this is the thing. I can tell even without that post that you make absolutely no distinction between legal immigrants and illegal ones.

I make no distinction when the legal hispanics are actively enabling and encouraging illegals to enter our country and break our laws.

I do make a distinction regarding hispanic immigrants who respect our laws, don't support illegals, and are productive contributing citizens of the United States.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

All that matters to you is that "your" country is changing.

If it were changing productively, I wouldn't mind. But 10% of the children born in this country are "anchor babies", of illegal women who through a bizarre loophole in the law, are illegals given U.S. citizenship at birth, and cost the U.S. billions over a lifetime in welfare benefits, and create a path to citizenship for their illegal parents and extended family.

If this 30% were legal immigrants from India or China or the Phillipines or Korea, who have a much higher ratio of higher education and good citizenship (i.e., not high school dropouts, not in gangs, not on welfare or in prison, not advocating open borders with Mexico) I would see this as enriching the U.S., not draining its resources.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

Deal with it.

You deal with the fact that I have a legitimate point of view, with statistical evidence to support what I'm saying.
If you want more extensive numbers detailing the Mexican drain, read Pat Buchanan's book State of Emergency regarding the immigration problem.

 Originally Posted By: whomod
And Mexico has every right to enforce their borders just as America does. Funny how no one really wants to. They just like to prey on the emotions of xenophobes like you to win elections with empty promises.

You ignore, or are just ignorant of, my point. The "white/racist" U.S. captures illegals and deports them, while treating them very well as prisoners. So well that most illegally cross again.

My point is that as cruel and racist as Mexico is toward its illegals, it has no factual basis for calling the U.S. racist for simply enforcing its laws, treating prisoners well, and lawfully deporting them.

Mexico often kills Guatemalans and others who cross, beat their captured illegals, rape the women, and shake them down for whatever they own.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

Regardless, you can rail against the Mexican along with Lou Dobbs all you want. The Census statistics show that regardless of ILLEGAL immigration, the LEGAL citizens and residents will soon be 1/4 of our country. You too will live next to "Mexicans"!!!

Again, if most were lawful, loyal and productive Americans who respected our laws and didn't act like a separate nation within our nation, I would have no problem with that. My problem is that their general attitude equates to a loss of U.S. sovereignty, a move toward open borders, and realization of trans-mexican dreams of using the U.S. Constitution as a "transitional document" toward the dissolution of the United States, inside a North American Union, which translates to the U.S. treasury drained to bankroll a welfare state for tens of millions of poor Mexicans, that the Mexican government should be providing for, not us.
In your anti-American wet dream of a hispanicized America, the United States will cease to exist.
Yeah, that's some patriotism you've got there.
Whether you fully realize it or not, what you cheer on is deeply anti-American.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

Notice the quotation marks, because the last post I responded on, you clearly referenced me as being NOT American based on my race. So I'll gladly call myself a "Mexican" if only to piss you off but I'm also an American citizen and I so hope that also chaps your hide.

I reference you as un-American for your beliefs and attitude, not your race.
Again: It's about who assimilates and who doesn't, not about race. There are plenty of non-white nationalities who assimilate well. Mexicans, by a large percentage, do not.

 Originally Posted By: whomod


I know you're unable to do the same because all your women turned into militant working lesbians who sneer contemptuously at the traditional family and refuse to have children on account of feminism, liberals, and the 60's.

Or it could be that no woman can stand your backwards, sexist, intolerant ways for long... regardless of her ethnicity.

When you feel a need to make these kind of personal digs, I know I've won the argument. I have facts. You have racist labels and insults that my facts easily disprove.

 Originally Posted By: whomod


Wow, how mature. If a six-year-old were here to call you a poopy-face, I could match that level of intellect.