Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: rex
I keep telling you guys wonder boy is a minority. Thats why he's never posted a picture of himself, he's too ashamed of his skin color.

I'm proud of who and what I am. I just don't feel like being photo-shopped into gay porn images and so forth. I've seen the delightful treatment you give Pariah, G-man and others.

I have nothing I need to prove, or be ashamed of.

I've never photoshopped anything. I joke around with pariah and have never attacked him. g-man is just as cowardly as you and hasn't posted a picture of himself so no one has photoshopped him either.

You fail again.

Cowards are people who yell "racist" and other hate labels at anyone who disagrees with their political views, preferring slander to honest debate of the issues.

They don't have an image of G-man's face, so they use his avatar image of Gordon Liddy.

You fail again, rex. \:\(