Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Let's face it. If people want to come here, learn the language and work hard, I think we'd all welcome them. Hell, we'd probably all be in favor of amnesty and/or open borders.

True enough. Still, imagine my surprise to find out that even though I was born here, and despite the fact that Puerto Rico is a US commonwealth, that I am somehow part of some "invasion" against America or that being proud of my background meant that I have an "anti-American wet dream of a hispanicized America". One can be proud of their culture and still be proud to be an American citizen - the two are not mutually exclusive.

Oh, and for the record, dating one of us does not mitigate one's rascism.

That wasn't directed at you, harlequin.

That was directed at Whomod's remarks, gloating about the fact that hispanics are becoming dominant in California and elsewhere.

If you don't endorse or advocate open borders, my remarks don't apply to you.
If you don't support welfare benefits and driver licenses for illegals, my remarks don't apply to you.
If you don't have sympathy for illegals greater than the desire to enforce our nation's laws, my remarks don't apply to you.
If you're not a card-carrying member of La Raza, who sees the Constitution as a "transitional document", toward an open borders North American Union, which would mean the dissolution of the United States, then my remarks don't apply to you.
Someone who is an Irish- or German-American who advocates these things would be equally suspect.

I'm proud of my English, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, German and Cherokee ancestry. But I am first and foremost an American, and my first loyalty is to the United States, its culture and its sovereignty. I don't have a German or Irish flag I wave outside my home. Whether you are from Puerto Rico, Ireland, Germany or Outer Mongolia, I think that is a reasonable patriotic expectation of every U.S. immigrant and citizen.