Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Oh, they'll love ya all the same! Hey, let's put up an Axolotl shrine instead of a 'holiday tree' this lovely holiday season!

 Originally Posted By: Pat Buchanan, Death of the West, p 162
In San Jose, California, Indian and Hispanic rage prevented a statue of Thomas Fallon, the adventurer who captured the town in the Mexican[-American] War and became its mayor, from being placed in a public park.
"The statue is an insult to our ancestors, people who were lynched here," said Pascual Mendevil of Pueblo Unido. "It's like a red flag to racists out there that it's open season on Mexicans." ["Statue of Flag-Planting Mayor Causes Decade of Controversy in San Jose", by Brian Bergstein, Associated Press, October 15, 2000]

San Jose, however does boast a new statue of Quetzacoatl, feather serpent god of the Aztecs, whose empire never came close to reaching San Jose.
Perhaps Mexicans and Indians should reconsider Quetzacoatl. The Aztec emperor Montezuma II was a deeply superstitious fellow, terrified that Quetzacoatl would return from the East to claim his throne. When his emissaries reported that Cortez and his bearded white men were ashore at Veracruz, the fearless Montezuma and his court went into a panic.