Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

You've bought into the myth of Native American genocide. Over 90% of Native Americans who died, died of disease, not from genocide.

It just so happens that some of those diseases just "happened" to be on blankets given to the Indians by the friendly white settlers.

It could only have been deliberate biological warfare. Gotta keep those dark people down, after all!

it was deliberate. they were trying to clear the land. history books that are taught in public schools are notoriously in error on American History to the point that they're little more than propaganda. For the first hundred or so years of America we spent most of our federal budget on fighting Indians. The official policy was that the land was ours by right of god and therefore we were justified in herding and killing them off "our" land. That's where concentration camps came from. Hitler got the idea from our Indian solution. It was only once the Indians were thinned out and not a concern that we lightened our views.

Bow ties are coool.