Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: whomod
No. It's a formula for more Americans. You just don't want to face that fact that these Americans may not look like you.

Oh please.

You yourself already admit that these "Americans" do not keep nor care for American ideals/practices, so it's a little fuckwitted to say they're not making a point to invasively change our culture--Especially when they openly and blatantly divorce themselves from it.

No, they're just coming to this country AS THEY ALREADY ARE.


And many immigrants from the time this nation started, first resided in immigrant communities where they practiced their own language and customs. And from there they gradually work their way into the larger American culture.

man, you guys act as if history books don't exsist or something...


BTW, where did I assert that Hispanic Americans do not want to keep American practices or ideals? I'd like to know.

Because frankly my beleif is that Hispanic Americans can have BOTH. Cultural ties to their roots and assimilation into American society. It's something that as far as other cultures have shown, lessens over generations. I don't think it's some either/or situation.

Last edited by whomod; 2007-11-20 8:53 AM. Reason: additional response