I agree with everything that Whomod said. I thank him for arguing my points way better than I ever could. Wonderboy I think you are a decent guy....I certainly don't hate you. But you definitely come off as rascist on this issue. I'm sorry. The Republicans come off as fear mongererers and disgust me so much on this issue that I am contemplating abandoning the party. I already won't vote Republican in '08 and may even register as a dem form now on.

with that said I also agrre with what G just said too. That will be the compromise eventually. Let them in let them become Americans, but stop catering to them and make them learn English. I don't have a problem with Spanish language programing or any of that stuff....but government forms and street signs and awhat not should always be in English.

Just think....if the Spanish Armada never invaded England they would have been the super power.