No need to elaborate. Those who arrive in mass numbers and do not assimilate, are colonizers who wish to replace the existing culture with their own. And if that is their attitude, if they have no respect for the existing culture, then they don't belong here and should be deported.
Ironic sentiment coming this close to Thanksgiving.
As I said earlier, many native Americans assimilated to the technologically superior European culture. The Cherokees I am descended from are the largest surviving North American tribe. Other tribes that were more warlike did not fare as well.
There are about equal numbers of recorded killings, of both Native Americans and Europeans, in their clashes. It is liberals who perpetuate the historically innaccurate notion of mass genocide, despite that over 90% died from mere contact with Europeans, who had immunity to illnesses that Native Americans had never been exposed to. Some massacres and mistreatments of Native Americans occurred, to be sure. (The infected blankets Snarf mentioned were a single incident, not a mass-implemented genocide as he implies.)
But again, Native American hands are not clean of blood either, both before and after contact with Europeans.
Native Americans were not advancing culturally, mostly stone-age hunter-gatherers, who had not even invented the wheel. Who also engaged in bloody tribal warfare, human sacrifice, and even cannibalism. Life spans were short for native Americans in those days.
So spare me the arguments that Europeans interrupted some kind of Native American utopia. There are actually more Native Americans alive today than there were at the time of first European contact, and enjoying a much better standard of living.
As I said in a previous topic, according to an anthropologist friend of mine studying the issue, the average Native American family of four here in Florida is worth about 1.4 million dollars, thanks to tribal allotment from casino revenue.
So happy Thanksgiving to you too.
Again, you're the only one who hasd voiced hate for whites as a sweeping whole, and even gloated about how hispanics are taking over.
I've only criticized those who do not assimilate, and those who are hostile to the United States and its existing culture. Period. The end.
Sorry, you don't get to twist my words and then declare the argument over. As much as you'd like.
You've repeatedly voiced your hostility toward whites, way beyond what you could possibly twist the most ambiguous phrase of
mine to imply.
I can accept that you don't share that opinion of all whites. But you seem to feel it toward quite a few whites. And in many anecdotes you've given over the years, you seem to live for the opportunity to rub your ethnicity in the white majority's face on every possible occassion.
I find it exciting to meet people from other cultures.
But when someone like you comes along and basically say: "Yeah, look at you white people, you're shitting in your pants because we're taking over!" Gee, why would I be offended by that?
I've already said that the ONLY people I have a problem with are nativist xenophobes like you. And sorry, but you're not representative of the majority of whites.
I think the ONLY people you have a problem with are anyone who doesn't share your liberal views. And then you feel a need to shout them down, harass and slander them with all kinds of racist labels.
Even in my more moderate statements across many topics, you still twist what I say to conform to your whipping-boy stereotype of what you
imagine, in your wildest wet dreams, to be the ultimate stereotype of a white racist conservative. Often in total opposition to what I actually said.
As for my "gloating" that's just me riding your immigrant based fear.
You call it fear. I call it statistical proof from the U.S. Justice Department, the I.N.S., the U.S. Census Bureau, and respected journalists such as Lou Dobbs, Pat Buchanan, and other sources such as Worldnet Daily, and VDare. And even a few stories from the more mainstream networks.
Which I can because frankly your arguments sound silly and completely unoriginal. All these assertions and claims of invasion, no desire to assimilate, wanting to use our national resources, trying to take over, all these are as old as the country itself and have been used on every large group of immigrants from the Chinese, to the Italians, to the Germans and even to Irish CATHOLICS. And in each case all the claims and hatred and suspicion was completely untrue and unfounded.
No, the fears were legitimate, but a stress on the necessity of assimilation and resolving the social problems made things work out.
I don't know much about the Catholic plot to control America, but it is certainly true that the Catholic church dominated Europe for centuries (hence the First Amendment, about not establishing a state religion, and not prohibiting the free practice of all denominations)
You say it's the same, and that my concerns about excessive immigration are just "fear".
But as Buchanan points out well in his book, it's very different now:
(1) Up till 1965, the number of immigrants coming in annually were much smaller, in many years less than 200,000 admitted per year. Now it's over 1.2 million per year (600,000 of whom apply for visas while living illegally in the U.S. with legal-immigrant relatives). Far beyond what even liberal John F. Kennedy envisioned as a sensible level of immigration that could be assimilated.
(2) Up until 1965, virtually all immigration was from Europe. Whether immigrats were English, German, Russian, Greek, Italian, Hungarian or whatever, virtually all immigrants were of a shared Judao-Christian background, and had that much in common.
(3) Up until 1965, when a radical brand of liberalism emerged, assimilation was expected, and strongly urged. But now ethnic separatism and outright anti-Americanism, is encouraged. As is a very negative teaching of American history, that combined work to undermine national unity, and instead encourage ethnic separatism.
(4) Up until 1965, immigrants were selected with the specific purpose of who would likely assimilate well into American culture. Since 1965, we didn't just begin third-world immigration (a very different non-European group of immigrants that our nation has never before successfully assimilated), but we began importing third-world immigration in numbers (36 million) that by far eclipse the previous German, Irish and Italian immigrants combined.
A mass of third-world immigrants that are yet to be proven can successfully be assimilated.
(5) After each huge period of immigration, there was a period of very limited immigration, to allow the large waves of immigrants to assimilate. But despite the visible cracks in the system, any call for lowering immigration is, predictably, labelled as "racist" and "xenophobic", despite that it is clearly a sensible thing to do, to insure national stability.
My scornful opinion of you has nothing to do with your race. It has to do with the fact that you're openly cheering for the other side, against the United States.
Um.. "the other side"? Is a war taking place? man, you are sooo wound up by all the hatred and rhetoric out there. Always you fear something. Whether it's the immigrant, the Muslim, the Liberal, the feminist.. There is always someone at the door ready to obliterate your way of life. Tell me, with all this paranoia, how the fuck do you sleep at night?
Again, I make logical well-documented statistically-based arguments for sensible immigration policy, and you resort to slanderous allegations of "racism" and "fear", to bypass my points. "Racism" and "fear" is just how you deceitfully slander any valid opinion you object to.
My ideas are common sense, and the standard set down by George Washington and Ben Franklin, who were concerned about allowing too many Germans in the country, or allowing them to immigrate too concentrated in an area. They felt a need to spread them out, so they would assimilate.
Cool! when do the relocation's take place? I want to move in near you! Yes, I'm being facetious. Because your examples of past sentiment or desires frankly won't fly anymore so I have to wonder at why you even dare to dream your weird Nativist dreams in the 1st place. And that underscores this entire thread. The entire futility of your railings. Barring mass deportations and stripping citizenship to millions, Hispanic growth will occur whether you want it to or not. LEGALLY.
Once again, you toss in all kinds of weird ideas of your own, and try to pass them off as my ideas, so you can label me a racist.
You again say
"Nativist" as if I wanted a white-only America, when I have clearly not said that. I said I welcome people of all races, and enjoy interacting with people of all races and cultures, but I want an America where we, regardless of race, have a shared American culture we all assimilate to.
"Mass deportations and stripping citizenship to millions" is again your idea, not mine. Your malicious attempt to paint me as something I'm not.
I find it exciting to interact with people of other nationalities and cultures. I just don't want them imported to the point that they
overwhelm our culture.
To the point that they are at more than 50% of the Broward County population, and approaching 50% in Miami.
And also approaching 50% of total population in Mexican border counties of California, New Mexico and Texas.
I like people from Cuba, Colombia and Brazil. But I don't want the United States to become another Cuba, Colombia or Brazil. But the U.S. is fast becoming that. To the point that for the first time in my life I have to almost be bilingual to do business in my own city.
Again: they are not assimilating to our culture. We are being forced to assimilate to theirs.
Frankly, you can rail against Mexicans all you like. But it's funny that this sort of rhetoric only gets superheated every 4 years and then, like gay marriage or abortion or some other wedge bullshit, it quickly dissipates to be forgotten even by the very people who were super heating the rhetoric and were elected or re-elected to do something about it. At least until the next election cycle. That's manipulation using fear and hatred. And it's uncanny how you're always at the head of the line ready to take what these people are swilling.
A large percentage of Americans have always been concerned about it. It is politicians, whose campaigns are funded by corporations who want cheap immigrant labor, who are betraying America, and betraying average Americans, by ignoring the will of the people. I think consciousness of what is happening to our nation has caused a swelling of opinion for the first time, with this recent immigration "amnesty" bill that was rejected.
It's not an "every four year paranoid issue". It's a real issue, and it's reached a tipping point that demands action.
Yes. Hispanics were about 3% of the U.S. population in the 1970s.
By the 1980s, hispanics were 6%.
Hispanics are currently about 15%, using your own quoted numbers.
Hispanics are expected to reach 25% (double the already high numbers) by 2040.
And yet you don't see that as an invasion. It is a formula for balkanization and separatism. It is national suicide.
No. It's a formula for more Americans. You just don't want to face that fact that these Americans may not look like you.
Again you slander me by alleging it's about race. Once again:
For me, it's about assimilation, who assimilates and who doesn't, not race. More bodies in America with foreign loyalties --of most concern, Mexico-- who feel strongly that the U.S. "stole" the Southwest and that Mexico should have it back (and the innate anti-America/anti-white hostility that attitude reflects), a high ratio of Mexicans who enter this country illegally and don't respect our nation and our laws. That 1 in 12 illegal immigrants caught is found to have a criminal record, that 150,000 crimes are committed annually in this country by illegals, 24% of our prison populations, crowding our courts, high school dropouts who end up on welfare if not in jail... all these things make me seriously question whether these are "Americans" or just alien bodies
in America.
Many do assimilate and contribute, as I said.
But as I also said, Mexico has the highest numbers in all these negative categories, that indicate, relative to other groups, they
don't assimilate as well, and should be given visas more selectively.
With more visas given to those of third-world nations (S. Korea, India, the Phillipines, etc.) that over the last 40 years statistically assimilate better, and don't end up on welfare or in prison.
As I just statistically established, it is an invasion!
So when I move in next to you, can I take you prisoner then?
In terms of numbers. In terms of radio and TV stations switching to spanish-only programming. It is unquestionably a cultural invasion, as well as an invasion in sheer numbers of immigrants, both legal and illegal.
Did someone take over your FOX affiliate and replace Bill O'Reilley with Don Francisco? Of course not. But you, in your weird paranoia, think that stations that cater to the immigrant population are a BAD thing. No, they mustn't be entertained in the language they know TODAY, they must be forced Clockwork Orange style to watch Lou Dobbs lecture them on how they must learn English ASAP!

Half the local Florida stations on the dial --50 percent!-- is a heartbeat away from spanish dominance, and it is hardly "paranoid" to object to this. As I said, with such a widespread Spanish-speaking accomodation in entertainment and business, why should they bother learning English, or assimilating?
When half the radio and TV stations broadcast in Spanish, when they can press 2 on the phone with their bank or credit card and do business in Spanish, it sends a strong message that they don't need to learn English. When the media is half Spanish radio and TV channels, it is well on its way to becoming 60%, 75% or 100% Spanish. It is invasion. And to not resist it is absolutely a mistake.
Frankly as a kid, i HATED Spanish language TV because it was cheesy and low budget and not every entertaining. Plus I knew English fluently so I could watch English language shows. My parents however were slower to learn as most adults are. But eventually they watched the same shows I did. IN ADDITION to the shows they liked and grew up with. But no, to you, it's refusal to "assimilate" and a threat to ABC and NBC remaining to provide English programming.

Half the channels on the dial. Again, it's multiculturalism gone insane. It's a formula for balkanization and separatism.
You keep trying to make this racial. But it's not about race, it's about lack of assimilation, that is de facto invasion.
First you say this...
I don't care whether someone is hispanic or Arab or european, so long as they assimilate and contribute to the United States. Some of the nationalities that assimilate the best into U.S. culture, who have the lowest ratios in gangs or prison, have the lowest high school dropout rates, who pursue higher education at a high rate, and who have very low ratios of welfare usage or imprisonment include Koreans, Phillipinos, Chinese and India. These I would gladly welcome over more Mexicans, who have high ratio that end up subsidized by tax dollars.
.. then you say that....
But I have no problem recognizing that many hispanics do assimilate and contribute to our culture. Many hispanics are fighting and sacrificing in our military, and have since Texas' independence in 1836. And pursuing careers and higher education.
I'm guessing in order to sugar coat your earlier rejection of Mexicans as a group..
It's not about race for me. You slanderously allege it's about race, to distract from my point.
Oh but it is. It's your ENTIRE point.
No. My point is and remains assimilation, not race. In deceitful communist rhetorical technique, straight from the Moscow Central Committee, you're trying to factlessly slander me through sheer repitition. That you rely on slander over facts just proves to me that you're wrong, to the point of being evil.
That is just pure malicious deceit on your part.
There's no contradiction in what I said, despite your sleaziest attempt, not through facts, but through pure innuendo, to imply otherwise.
As I said, Mexican immigrants have the worst statistical numbers for gangs, drug-related arrests, imprisonment, high-school dropout rates, etc. But I said what I did to make clear that I don't think
all Mexicans are criminals. There are many who assimilate and pursue higher education, and contribute as true Americans. But in full disclosure, there are many who do not, a higher percentage of non-performers than any nationality that immigrates here.
And for that reason, and for that reason alone (not race!) I don't think we should continue to accept more immigrants from Mexico than any other nation (30 percent of the U.S.'s legal immigration).
There are other hispanic nations that don't have the poor numbers that Mexico does, and we should draw more immigrants from them.
And when you've done that, I've won the argument, because you have to use deceit to try and disprove the obvious truth of what I'm saying: that immigrants of any nation are a threat to the United States if they don't assimilate. And that is an opinion I share with George Washington, Ben Franklin, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy.
How long did it take the Chineese to assimilate in the 1800's? The Italians?
Nativists objected primarily to Roman Catholics (especially Irish American) because of their loyalty to the Pope and supposed rejection of American ideals. Oh man does that sound familiar to your rants.
As I said, I'm less familiar with the anti-Catholic fears. But there was a time when Europe was completely controlled by the Catholic church, and many of our nation's founders came here for religious freedom, from the repressive control of the Catholic church.
It's not paranoid or inconceivable that the Catholic church had plans to similarly spread their influence in the U.S.
Or paranoid, given the Catholic church's history (the Inquisition, the Jesuits), to want to insure that was prevented.
From the 1840s to 1920 German Americans were distrusted because of their separatist social structure, their opposition to prohibition, their attachment to their native tongue over English, and their neutrality toward the war in World War I. And where is that society today? Assimilated? Of course.
Because of a stress on the need to assimilate, that thanks to "multiculturalism" is now considered racist. What insured assimmilation then no longer protects us. Imagine 50% of radio and TV stations in german during the time you mention. We'd be a german colony now.
Fear of low-skilled immigrants flooding the labor market was an issue in the 1920s (focused on immigrants from Italy and Poland). Assimiated or did they "take over" the country and the labor market?
Because of a hold period where there was virtually no immigration for several decades, to absorb the large wave of immigrants, yes, they were assimilated.
With 36 million immigrants in the last 40 years, where is the logical freeze on immigration, to insure assimilation? We just continue to let in another 1.2 million every year. Plus the estimated 20 million illegals here now. It is, again, not immigration, but invasion. With no end in sight.
The Chinese spent DECADES distrusted, holding down the most menial jobs, and living in tight knit immigrant communities (Chinatown), and speaking primarily in their native tounge before they finally assimilated into the larger society. As with your Mexican threat, they too had gang issues, as did many other immigrant communities which date back to the Irish canal gangs (1840s), Chinese gangs (tongs) in 1880s, Italian ("Mafia") (1890- present). Did all these people destroy your way of life?
Your song is an old record.
Again, large waves, punctuated with decades of low immigration, to absorb and assimilate the large waves. But the assimilation mechanisms are now broken, because of liberal notions of "multiculturalism" and "racism".
The mechanisms that insured assimilation have been broken by liberals, who branded them "racist."
That's yet another factless [attempt] on your part to slander me.
You know nothing about me. You ignore that I've stated many times that I not only date non-white women, but that many of my friends are non-white or foreign nationals. My closest friend is from Argentina.
You make this dating of non-white women to be some mystical totem against being called a racist or something. I don't care who you date. As I said before the measure of acceptance (because the word "tolerance' to me is frankly insulting bullshit) is not in the pretty foreign women that might catch your eye but in the ugly women, the MEN, the old people and how you interact with THEM as a collective.
So if I limited my social interaction to just Europeans, I would be a racist (naturally, by definition).
But even though I interact and socialize with people of pretty much every race and nationality, you still somehow manage to brand that as racism, through some liberal distortion, as well.
Nice loaded argument. But it bypasses the reality of my daily experience.
As for Argentina.. I used to enjoy Argentinian MTV immensely in the early 1990's. That was part of that "Spanish language TV" you were railing about above. Because see, I'm a bit of an anglophile and Argentinian MTV was the one U.S. broadcasted station that actually showed the kind of music that I was into. While the U.S. was deep in that bullshit "grunge" craze to the exclusion of anything else, Argentinian MTV actually played TONS of britpop, shoegazing, Techno, and other EUROPEAN style music.
My point? Seeing a lot of their shows on that station, it was abundantly clear that Argentinians are a lot closer to Europeans than they were to Latin Americans. Something that was reinforced when I actually met some Argentinians. And yes, they tend to think they're more Caucasian and not Hispanic. In a very elitist way in fact. In my experience of course. So I'm guessing that is why you warm to them so well.
So now you find a way to brand even my Argentinian friends as goose-stepping Aryan supermen.
Again, you assume a lot, and your argument is pure slander. Orlando is the friend I mentioned in another topic where I said we were in a restaurant, and seeing a mistake in the bill, he said: "That waitress hears me talk with a Spanish accent, and she thinks I add with a hispanic accent too." Which shocked me, as have other comments where he felt discriminated against because he's hispanic.