Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
i don't know how to respond to that, wondy. you basically rewrote history to suit your post and political views.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

In deceitful communist rhetorical technique, straight from the Moscow Central Committee, you're trying to factlessly slander me through sheer repitition...

Imagine 50% of radio and TV stations in german during the time you mention. We'd be a german colony now.....

So now you find a way to brand even my Argentinian friends as goose-stepping Aryan supermen.

I don't know how to respond to that because I'm either laughing or shaking my head too much to be able to.

Ultimately it's pointless to respond as I've made my points and Wonder Boy has made his all too abundantly clear. It's a shame he's going to spend the rest of his life miserable as fuck. Needlessly so. But that's the statistical reality. He's going to believe he's being invaded and it's only going to be reinforced when 1/4 of the population is Hispanic in 2050. Hopefully he'll make his peace and acceptance with Hispanics by then.

P.S., I can't imagine German radio during the time I mention because German immigration occurred between 1840-1920 and radio programs only became widespread in the 1920s and 1930s.