Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
As I said earlier, many native Americans assimilated to the technologically superior European culture. The Cherokees I am descended from are the largest surviving North American tribe. Other tribes that were more warlike did not fare as well.

By assimilate you mean become a subclass living with racism and abuse for many years. Having their native culture shunned and being forced to immitate the society of the invaders.

There are about equal numbers of recorded killings, of both Native Americans and Europeans, in their clashes. It is liberals who perpetuate the historically innaccurate notion of mass genocide, despite that over 90% died from mere contact with Europeans, who had immunity to illnesses that Native Americans had never been exposed to. Some massacres and mistreatments of Native Americans occurred, to be sure. (The infected blankets Snarf mentioned were a single incident, not a mass-implemented genocide as he implies.)

You would make a good Nazi. Justifying a foreign people invading "lesser" peoples to make them civilized. The Indians had their own culture, they had there own way of life. You can't make a judgement call on how they lived because quite frankly they were healthier than the Europeans at the time. Europeans lived amongst animal shit and never bathed. They were literally dripping with disease. The Indians lived more agrarian lives. I can assume from your statements that native New Yorkers are justified in slaughtering and imprisoning farmers from upstate New York because they're less advanced?
True there were attacks from Indians, but the Europeans settlers started it. They were greeted with friendship and then turned on the Indians when they needed more land.

But again, Native American hands are not clean of blood either, both before and after contact with Europeans.

Yes, they had wars before the settlers showed up. So did the Europeans. Does that justify an invasion of Europe? It seems death and invasion is fine by you when white people are the ones doing it.

Native Americans were not advancing culturally, mostly stone-age hunter-gatherers, who had not even invented the wheel.

so? does that mean they were worthy of death? It's arguments where you claim one race is inferior to another that get you labeled a racist. The fact is this was their land. Who cares how they lived on it? Who cares if they had oral traditions and valued living in harmony with nature over how Europeans lived? Europeans were more advanced because of multiculturalism. They had many different cultures trading ideas and goods with each other. That advances a society.
It's funny because on one thread you argue about how mexican immigration is bad because foreigners are coming in and undermining the native culture. Here you support flat out invasions and forcibly taking land because whites did it.

Who also engaged in bloody tribal warfare, human sacrifice, and even cannibalism.

Inquisition, Crusades, Black Death, many many many wars.
Also human sacrifice was in the Aztek culture, not the North American Indians.

Life spans were short for native Americans in those days.

so? everyone had a shorter life expectancy back then. Does the length of one's life determine how well and free they can live?

So spare me the arguments that Europeans interrupted some kind of Native American utopia.

I don't think anyone has ever called it a utopia, but it was their lives on their land. And they were pretty welcoming to the settlers. They could have lived in peace.

There are actually more Native Americans alive today than there were at the time of first European contact, and enjoying a much better standard of living.

wow. that's the dumbest argument i think you've ever used. The whole world's population then was less than a billion (a number not reached until the 1800's) now it's 6.5 billion. China and India have the largest populations of any countries, by your logic they must be the iconic benevolent society for allowing so many people to be born.
There were people here who were killed. Some accidentally through diseases, and many purposefully through invasion and slaughter. Just because they've had a population rebound doesn't justify anything. If you had 2 kids and I killed one of them but you had 2 more, does that make me not a killer?

As I said in a previous topic, according to an anthropologist friend of mine studying the issue, the average Native American family of four here in Florida is worth about 1.4 million dollars, thanks to tribal allotment from casino revenue.

So? You make horribly immoral points. There are rich Jewish families, does that mean the holocaust was actually a good thing?

I find it exciting to meet people from other cultures.

no you don't. you've said repeatedly that you want assimilation. so therefore you enjoy meeting people who have different colored skin but are subservient to you and your cultural views.

But when someone like you comes along and basically say: "Yeah, look at you white people, you're shitting in your pants because we're taking over!" Gee, why would I be offended by that?

I think you create that yourself. I've known many people of different ethnic persuasions and get on fine with them because I treat them like people and not invaders. I can see you antagonizing others with little passive aggressive comments that get them riled up and defensive.

respected journalists such as Lou Dobbs, Pat Buchanan,

the rest of the post is just more of your bile. I think I will leave you to stew in your own bile because I don't have enough meanness in me to blah blah blah.

Bow ties are coool.