Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Imagine 50% of radio and TV stations in german during the time you mention. We'd be a german colony now.....

These are some German words and expressions are used constantly in English. Angst, kindergarten, gesundheit, kaputt, sauerkraut, blitz, blitzkrieg, bratwurst, cobalt, dachshund, delicatessen, ersatz, frankfurter and wiener (named for Frankfurt and Vienna, respectively), glockenspiel, hinterland, infobahn (for “information highway”), kaffeeklatsch, pilsner (glass, beer), pretzel, quartz, rucksack, schnaps (any hard liquor), schuss (skiing), spritzer, (apple) strudel, verboten, waltz, and wanderlust. And from Low German: brake, dote, tackle, Zeitgeist. Or words used in special areas, such as gestalt in psychology or loess in geology. And of course hamburger.

It must drive you insane knowing the German immigration wave caused you to lose your sovereignty. Every time you're in Burger King, you must feel the rage of having to use German in order to order something to eat!