Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

In the end, it was to the benefit of both the Indians and the Americans to co-mingle.

That's monstrous!

Yeah, I'm sure they'd be happier in teepees in the middle of wheatfields waiting around for a buncha dead buffalo to show up.

Unrealistic? For sure. The only way for Native Americans to have preserved their culture as it was would have been to have never encountered Europeans on this continent in the first place. That means no United States. And while that might make some people happy (I don't think you're one of them), it just plain didn't happen that way. Now we can pout about it all we want, but until Doc Brown rolls up in the DeLorean it's not gonna change. From the initial post of the Thanksgiving thread it sounds like some Native Americans have dealt with it better than a number of posters in this thread. And if you asked most of them, the answers you get would probably be along the lines of yeah, whitey screwed us over, and that sucked, but at least we're not living in the Copper Age anymore! Which I could live with. Groups of people have been putting the hurt on each other for most if not all of our nation's history. We can either have people who weren't the direct offenders wringing their hands about it and incessantly apologizing to people who weren't the direct recipients for the rest of time, or we can attempt to deal with it, put it aside, and all get on with our lives and maybe try to be friends. I know which one I like more.


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