Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Yeah, I'm sure they'd be happier in teepees in the middle of wheatfields waiting around for a buncha dead buffalo to show up.

Uhhhhhhh... who says they weren't happy?

context. there weren't omnipresent wheatfields where they were before the europeans showed up, and the buffalo weren't dead at the time. not all of them, anyway. from those two points, it should (I thought) have been fairly obvious that I wasn't talking about the way things were before the europeans showed up. there was a notion in previous posts that somehow the native americans should have been able to co-exist without being 'forced' to 'assimilate'. that wasn't an option. when there's wheat growing all over your ancestral hunting grounds and all your buffalo are shot dead to let the railroads come through, yeah, you and your culture just got screwed over, and it was a pretty shitty thing to do. but guess what? it happened all the same. and focusing on anything other than 'what do we do now?' would be academic.


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