Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
I don't think Pariah realizes that "assimilate" doesn't mean 90% killed off. The official US gov. stance on Native Americans up until the early twentieth century was "shoot on sight."

I'd like to accept your hyperbole Grimm. But you're too much of a tool to take seriously. If you'd offer up a source, maybe things would be different. But you didn't and so here we are.

riiiiiighhhhtt. . .

sorry, I'm not the one who confuses genocide with "assimilation" and thinks there's "nothing wrong" with giving out disease ridden blankets to people in the hopes of killing them off.

and "growing pains"? someone needs to learn about the Trail of Tears. this ain't no sitcom, kids.

I didn't and wouldn't ever vote for Andrew Jackson if I had-had the chance. As far as I'm concerned, that entire mess was solely on him. And I say that because there was an overwhelming number of Anglo Americans who were against the bill that caused it.

The Cherokee (who I'm descended from) that were forced out of Mississippi had already assimilated and were keeping up to date on the technology developed by the Anglos; they were well on their way to meshing with them. The catalyst for that signed bill was a mandate put in place to keep the Anglos from being harmed by the still existing militant Indian tribes (hence your "shoot on sight" reference). The mandate couldn't exactly be called a leftover relic, but it was a retarded and illogical technicality used by Andrew "Old BASTARD Hickory" Jackson to force out Natives indiscriminately--Which missed the point of their desired 'assimilation scenario' completely. He was so concerned with them originally being from tribes that he didn't bother to look at their progress and realize the bill didn't apply to them any longer since they moved away from their savage lifestyles.

I like how you consistently refer to the Natives lifestyles as "savage" while condemning other people for generalizing the issue and overall failing to realize that not all tribes were violence based societies. yet you seem to feel that their destruction (oh, excuse me, assimilation) is just fine and dandy because they had different values than the European immigrants.

get over yourself, kid.