Originally Posted By: Halo82
No, but you have lived under Nixon, Bush, Cheney, McCarthy (not sure if you lived under him). Gonna have to face facts that history is riddled with bad people in every continent.

FOR THE RECORD: Halo considers the men he named as being comparable to all the African dictators. Of course he's right, because Nixon, Bush, Cheney, and McCarthy are all Caucasian Americans that are inherently evil and tyrannous.

They didn't last cause they were out gunned. Who's to say they still wouldn't be living the same way today if not for our expansion. There are still Eskimo's and shit. That's a fact you keep ignoring. Tribe's that aren't all that technilogically advanced still exist.

....What? Wha-What does this have to do with what I actually wrote?

It had nothing to do with Hollywood so much as the fact I know your an idiot...so I assumed your wrong.

You assume a lot of things. For example: You've been assuming what the structure of Native American "law" was composed of all the while refusing to actually check your references see that they had no lawful indoctrinations.

I had a very basic knowledge of this. Just enough to tell your twisting things with your ideological prism.

Okay, so first you say that you didn't believe me because you figured me to be mis-quoting history and now you're saying you started talking to me because you knew history in the first place?

Unable? Dube, all you've done is throw out conjecture.

Ah. An ad hominem generalization. Do me a favor an point out all of my conjecture and then express in detail how it qualifies as conjectural. You carry the burden of proof, so this should be easy for you.

It's not hard to refute that. And now I can almost smell the desperation on you to take attention away from the link I provided.

What do you mean "take attention away" from it. You didn't actually highlight anything from it with which to argue over. On a glance, I couldn't even find a topic mention of the Manifest Destiny Jacksonian propoganda you based your paragraph around. There wasn't even anything in there that disputed disputed my claims let alone make me ignore it.

Alright, it's important that we establish something here. I'm about to blow you off. Not because I can't refute your claims but because it's clear that your perception of reality is so twisted there's no point taking what you say seriously.

The exact words of someone who can't even refute someone else's claims.

If you look back Halo, the most you've done here is say, "No, it didn't happen like that," over and over again. You have not once offered any sort of counter citation ground in history.

But you know what...here's another intresting quote from Wiki-

In the nineteenth century, the incessant Westward expansion of the United States incrementally compelled large numbers of Native Americans to resettle further west, often by force, almost always reluctantly. Under President Andrew Jackson, Congress passed the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which authorized the President to conduct treaties to exchange Native American land east of the Mississippi River for lands west of the river. As many as 100,000 Native Americans eventually relocated in the West as a result of this Indian Removal policy. In theory, relocation was supposed to be voluntary (and many Native Americans did remain in the East), but in practice great pressure was put on Native American leaders to sign removal treaties. Arguably the most egregious violation of the stated intention of the removal policy was the Treaty of New Echota, which was signed by a dissident faction of Cherokees, but not the elected leadership. The treaty was brutally enforced by President Andrew Jackson, which resulted in the deaths of an estimated four thousand Cherokees on the Trail of Tears.

You see that Pariah, the part about them being reluctant? The US having to use force to take what they want? That's a fact you can't deny. There was no necesity to us moving out west therefore no need for force.

As the previous paragraph I quoted pointed out, while there was intimidation, there was no real force when they bought the land--And the land was bought; not stolen or seized.

And by what reasoning do you declare it as unnecessary to expand across the entire land mass? Do you really think a series of colonial societies would be able to sustain a country with any sort of security whilst non-unified and in the placement they were in? Every growing society in the world has known it best to occupy the entirety of the land.

I didn't ignore it. I'm just getting tired of saying how your rationalizing and exaggeratating.

On the contrary: You're the one repeatedly exaggerating the term "genocide" in regards to the friction experienced between the Anglos and the Natives.

Genocide - the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.

Please point out where in history, since you've proven yourself such an astute observer of past events, where the American government put together a mandate that called for the military/militia to seek out the Indians and slaughter them by the truck-load.

Don't bother looking for it. You won't find it. The Anglos and the Natives had a war and the Anglos were too incompetent to keep 4,000 Cherokees from starving to death. But you see, those are not examples of extermination; they're examples of conflict. Whether or not there may have been individual prejudice in the hearts of some of the Anglos does not mean there was official or personal intent to exterminate the Native Americans. The most you can throw together is a case that America, under the later (very unpopular) Jacksonian policies, wanted to segregate themselves from the Natives.

It's a simple question you keep dodging. I didn't ignore anything it's bullshit to get out of answering. It's a valid comparison. Of course no two situation are gonna be exactly the same but it's close enough.

I have not dodged a thing and I have explained exactly why your analogy is flawed and indeed not "a valid comparison." In fact, I have gone at length to explain to you what's wrong with the scenario you presented and the most you could tell me was, "That's not the point and you fucking know it," or, more specifically, an ad hominem evasion of my analysis.

It does when your using there savage lifestyle to justify genocide and assimilation.

Again: Please point out to me where genocide was committed and please to use the actual standards by which "genocide" is actually defined to give me your answer rather than your own tainted perception.

And why exactly is assimilation generally a bad thing?

I'm talking about the 1700's I'm talking about right now. Tommorow.

Okay. We are not an inferior culture to India and Russia. The three cultures are on the same intellectual wave-lengths with mutual knowledge of living healthily. Upon an objective observation of their cultures and comparison between the three, they have nothing to add to our lifestyles; as mutually superior intellects, it would only be logical to collaborate rather than dominate. Politics aside, there's no good philosophical or strategic reasoning to seize our land and person for purposes of assimilation when it would be detrimental to a society with an already prevailing lifestyle.

It is because of this that it would be perfectly appropriate to fight and die trying; they have nothing to teach us and nothing to add to our culture because we're as advanced as they are if not moreso. This wasn't the case with the Native Americans and the Anglos though, which is exactly why your analogy is not valid. The circumstances aren't comparable to the situation being discussed.

Again, you act like the two can't be alike because there not absolutely symmetrical. It's this kind of lopsided logic that makes me and others think your full of shit.

Lop-sided logic? The situations you try to compare to the Native American incidents as being justification for calling America a "democracy-pusher" are a little more than "not absolutely symmetrical," they're downright inappropriate. You're not simply mis-using the incidents incorrectly as an example, but you're also mis-quoting the intent of the Americans in every single situation (see also: "Spreading enlightenment")--Which is the point me going out of my way to shoot your comparisons and citations down--THEY DON'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE.

God bless those anglos. If not for them the world would still be flat and barren.

So you use your facetiousness as means of denying that the Europeans exported philosophy to the new world. Makes sense.

Is it really that hard to figure out? And if it is you truly are a moron.

If you wish. Now can you please tell me exactly what it means?

Jeez, listen to this guy. He twists the past to his benefit and he thinks he's a great historian.

Where have I twisted anything. Highlight the situations I've cited and tell me exactly how I've twisted them.

Your not so special. I can make shit up too.

.....What? Did you actually say that? I didn't even claim I was special and yet you say this? Inferiority complex much?