Originally Posted By: Grimm
oh, but don't you know Halo, that all those things are merely "growing pains" from their "assimilation" into the culture.

Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind.

 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
I don't get how you guys take Pariah seriously - he's a joke with no punchline. He takes pride in his cringe inducing stupidity, his lame insults, and his ridiculously erroneous comments, all of which are pathetic cries for attention. You can't have an intelligent conversation with a misogynistic, racist, self loathing gay man who is so deeply in denial of his own homosexuality that he's buried himself in the proverbial closet with his shemale pics. And he's so far in that closet that he doesn't know enough to realize he should be embarrassed by his laughable ignorance and staggering stupidity.

He's completely irrelevant.

 Originally Posted By: Grimm
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind.

You forgot sadistic. I mean, who messes with Squirls? Donkeys, cows, dogs, cats okay...but squirls?

squirrels mean the start of a hardcore match. . .

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind.

You forgot sadistic. I mean, who messes with Squirls? Donkeys, cows, dogs, cats okay...but squirls?

squirrels mean the start of a hardcore match. . .


I really need to get laid.

So, to be clear on the proceedings: I make a fool out of Grimm because he proves himself stupid enough to make claims he can't prove. As a result, he resorts to petty insults that ignore any detailed replies that actually refute what he tries to argue.

Harley realizes that this is Grimm's Pariah-defense mechanism when his ability to respond intelligently has been exhausted through consistent use (or two posts worth). And so she decides to lash out at me so as to back her spam-based conversational fuck buddy with whom she enjoys trading romantic emoticons with for the sake of feeling fun-loving even if being totally unaware of her overall germane and extraneous redundancy. She even goes so far as to deny my individual relevance as if I didn't exist. I suppose denying reality as a means of shunning dissent would be her forte; it's best to live in a fantasy realm where it's only what she thinks that holds merit and so she'll say whatever she wants without actually expanding on the assertions she makes...For example: Feeling that there's warrant to call someone racist and yet refusing to actually highlight the exact words of that someone to show them how "racist" they are. I suppose I should point out her bandying of the word "misogynistic," but basically I don't care what she says about me because, as I already pointed out, I'm not relevant (see also: I lack tangibility; I don't exist; I am a stray figment of Harley's imagination and therefore am not suitable enough to respond to or reply to even if I verbally disagree with here line reasoning). I doesn't matter what I say because I am irrelevant and cut off completely from Harley's intellectual consciousness. Therefore, she lacks any true identity I might be able to identify with. How tragic...But not really.

And then when Harley's finished setting the scene, Grimm feels vindicated to start his usual circle-jerk in the thread with whomever else would be willing to trash who it was that made a fool out of him. Halo was apparently his nearest reinforcement after Harley decided it best not to imagine this thread anymore and zipped away. He went so far as to try and satirically label my arguments in conjunction with Halo. Even though I know he only speaks with him in an attempt to stave off his attraction to me, it's only logical to assume, on a cursory glance, that he collaborates with Halo through insults because he actually agrees with everything he says and the way he says it. Harley must be behind Halo as well since she popped in to say, "Pariah's irrelevant," during my and Halo's little conversation. Logic aside, I'll ask for clarification anyway:

Grimm, Harley: As an example of your exemplary and uncanny ability to separate bullshit from facts, I would like to hear what you think of Halo's performance.

I already know that I (or any other conservative here for that matter) am the safe primary target because everyone hates me anyway, but since we're doing reviews on peoples' expression of facts (or lack thereof), perhaps you could tell me that you agree with everything Halo says and the way he says it since you're not approaching him with the same level of criticism. I mean, it only makes sense right...This guy has shown himself to be the very bastion of truth and historical accuracy, which is why you favor his posts over mine in this conversation. Don't you think so?

And Harley, I know I'm a figment of your imagination, but it's not technically unhealthy to humor your imaginary friends some of the time. So please feel free to answer the question.