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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Gayer teletubby.
You're a tool.
You're fucking retarded.
This message was brought to you by Grimm and his predictable bag of escapist comebacks.
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terrible podcaster 15000+ posts
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No, but you have lived under Nixon, Bush, Cheney, McCarthy (not sure if you lived under him). Gonna have to face facts that history is riddled with bad people in every continent. FOR THE RECORD: Halo considers the men he named as being comparable to all the African dictators... Yeah, I'm forced to agree with Pariah on this particular point. A comparison like that is really going out on a limb and doesn't do much to make anyone look rational or objective. I'm sure there are plenty of you with bugs up your ass about how much the current administration has fucked up, but wholesale slaughter of one's own people by the thousands? Yeah, we're nowhere near there.
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FOR THE RECORD: Halo considers the men he named as being comparable to all the African dictators. Of course he's right, because Nixon, Bush, Cheney, and McCarthy are all Caucasian Americans that are inherently evil and tyrannous. For the record your a clueless ass. It wasn't a comparison. A comparison is saying a spider has a bigger dick then yours. The point is bad people are in every govt. ....What? Wha-What does this have to do with what I actually wrote? ' You asked me why I thought the Indians didn't last you moron. You assume a lot of things. For example: You've been assuming what the structure of Native American "law" was composed of all the while refusing to actually check your references see that they had no lawful indoctrinations.
It's not an assumption. I just know what Chaos and kraven behavior is and there's no account other then you that says they were complete barbarians. Okay, so first you say that you didn't believe me because you figured me to be mis-quoting history and now you're saying you started talking to me because you knew history in the first place?
How is what I said contradictory? I knew just enough to tell you were wrong? What got me into this conversation was your twisted pathological rationalization that we didn't do anything wrong just cause the indians didn't have the same law as we do. Ah. An ad hominem generalization. Do me a favor an point out all of my conjecture and then express in detail how it qualifies as conjectural. You carry the burden of proof, so this should be easy for you.
Call it what you want, but it's true. I said everything asshole. But, for example, the Indians had no law. What do you mean "take attention away" from it. You didn't actually highlight anything from it with which to argue over. On a glance, I couldn't even find a topic mention of the Manifest Destiny Jacksonian propoganda you based your paragraph around. There wasn't even anything in there that disputed disputed my claims let alone make me ignore it. You used a paragraph from Wiki moron not the link I provided. The exact words of someone who can't even refute someone else's claims.
The exact words? Really? That's amazing. But I suppose they'd have to be exact for you to make the connection. If you look back Halo, the most you've done here is say, "No, it didn't happen like that," over and over again. You have not once offered any sort of counter citation ground in history. *looking back* no I've said a little more then that. Most of what I've said is that your trying to use the imperfection in Indian society to justify what happened. If that's the case every society should be conquered. Especially the England at the time who'd been in a hundred year war with France, Spain, and then the colonies. But your just gonna say that was okay cause it was about progress, which is idiotic. The only good reason to fight is defense. As the previous paragraph I quoted pointed out, while there was intimidation, there was no real force when they bought the land--And the land was bought; not stolen or seized. Which is false. It explicitly says by force. You wanted an example of your conjecture here it is. And by what reasoning do you declare it as unnecessary to expand across the entire land mass? Do you really think a series of colonial societies would be able to sustain a country with any sort of security whilst non-unified and in the placement they were in? Every growing society in the world has known it best to occupy the entirety of the land.
Do I think there's alot of fucking space on the East Coast they could have lived? Yeah. On the contrary: You're the one repeatedly exaggerating the term "genocide" in regards to the friction experienced between the Anglos and the Natives.
Genocide - the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.
Please point out where in history, since you've proven yourself such an astute observer of past events, where the American government put together a mandate that called for the military/militia to seek out the Indians and slaughter them by the truck-load.
Don't bother looking for it. You won't find it. The Anglos and the Natives had a war and the Anglos were too incompetent to keep 4,000 Cherokees from starving to death. But you see, those are not examples of extermination; they're examples of conflict. Whether or not there may have been individual prejudice in the hearts of some of the Anglos does not mean there was official or personal intent to exterminate the Native Americans. The most you can throw together is a case that America, under the later (very unpopular) Jacksonian policies, wanted to segregate themselves from the Natives. So, I guess the Nazi's didn't partake in Genocide either since they split there time between killing jews and putting them in concentration camps. Look at that, Pariah has redeemed Nazi's of yore. Let's not be hopelessly literal because if the nazi's didn't commit genocide then pretty much nobody did. So, being as intelligent as I am I was able to read between the lines, cut through the bullshit, and find you that link. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Removal_Act I have not dodged a thing and I have explained exactly why your analogy is flawed and indeed not "a valid comparison." In fact, I have gone at length to explain to you what's wrong with the scenario you presented and the most you could tell me was, "That's not the point and you fucking know it," or, more specifically, an ad hominem evasion of my analysis.
But you have. First by ignoring it and then twisting it. Again: Please point out to me where genocide was committed and please to use the actual standards by which "genocide" is actually defined to give me your answer rather than your own tainted perception.
And why exactly is assimilation generally a bad thing?
I use the word genocide because alot of fucking people were killed. But if I have to break things down Barney Style for you then perhaps Mass Murder would be better since in fact we murdered alot of fucking indians. Is that literal enough for your feeble mind to comprehend? Okay. We are not an inferior culture to India and Russia. The three cultures are on the same intellectual wave-lengths with mutual knowledge of living healthily. Upon an objective observation of their cultures and comparison between the three, they have nothing to add to our lifestyles; as mutually superior intellects, it would only be logical to collaborate rather than dominate. Politics aside, there's no good philosophical or strategic reasoning to seize our land and person for purposes of assimilation when it would be detrimental to a society with an already prevailing lifestyle.
It is because of this that it would be perfectly appropriate to fight and die trying; they have nothing to teach us and nothing to add to our culture because we're as advanced as they are if not moreso. This wasn't the case with the Native Americans and the Anglos though, which is exactly why your analogy is not valid. The circumstances aren't comparable to the situation being discussed. Okay, you've answered the question somewhat but you logic is the kind of logic that's idiotic. say Russia is superior, but you prefer you and others prefer your inferior way of life. Kind of like, a country person who doesn't want to move to the city. Lop-sided logic? The situations you try to compare to the Native American incidents as being justification for calling America a "democracy-pusher" are a little more than "not absolutely symmetrical," they're downright inappropriate. You're not simply mis-using the incidents incorrectly as an example, but you're also mis-quoting the intent of the Americans in every single situation (see also: "Spreading enlightenment")--Which is the point me going out of my way to shoot your comparisons and citations down--THEY DON'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE. You don't make sense cause your an idiot. The U.S wanted to contain Communism thinking it was bad. Thinking everybody should be democratic (a mentality we have to this day). That's where the "enlightenment" argument comes in. So you use your facetiousness as means of denying that the Europeans exported philosophy to the new world. Makes sense. I use sarcasm in response to you romanticizing them. Yeah. If you wish. Now can you please tell me exactly what it means? Wow, you really can't comprehend anything that isn't in it's simplist form can you? .....What? Did you actually say that? I didn't even claim I was special and yet you say this? Inferiority complex much? I made an inference. Just like you did with "Inferiority complex much" shit.
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Obviously the point wasn't they were exactly the same. Point was every govt has fucked up people.
Then again if you two simpleton's want to be literal thousands of people have died in Iraq so...
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Obviously the point wasn't they were exactly the same. Point was every govt has fucked up people.
Then again if you two simpleton's want to be literal thousands of people have died in Iraq so... You really do have only one volume level, don't you? Thousands of people have died in Iraq? From car bombs and shooting at each other? That explains everything! I must really be one of those simpleton's to have missed that point. If every government has fucked up people, which they do, and that was really your point, you could have picked just about anyone from any of them. I think you were responding to Pariah's post, and you took the bait he dangled, and you immediately rushed in to hurl whatever you had within reach at your short list of most hated conservatives. (The long list would take you years to get through.) Only trouble with that is that in your rush to slay some conservatives and earn your user title, all you really did was make it look like you were drawing a very illogical comparison while simultaneously showing your contempt for anyone and everyone who doesn't buy into your simple little prepackaged worldview. "Obviously" the point wasn't that you were being witty. Point was you're not very good at covering your ass once you've let the venom and mechanical errors fly.
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You really do have only one volume level, don't you? Thousands of people have died in Iraq? From car bombs and shooting at each other? That explains everything! I must really be one of those simpleton's to have missed that point I'm just saying an argument can be made is all. If every government has fucked up people, which they do, and that was really your point, you could have picked just about anyone from any of them. Preaching to the choir. That's what I've said I've been saying. I used America examples cause Pariah is American. I think you were responding to Pariah's post, and you took the bait he dangled, and you immediately rushed in to hurl whatever you had within reach at your short list of most hated conservatives Then your not paying attention. See above. Stick to short obnoxious post Sammitch. You don't do actual thought well. Only trouble with that is that in your rush to slay some conservatives and earn your user title, all you really did was make it look like you were drawing a very illogical comparison while simultaneously showing your contempt for anyone and everyone who doesn't buy into your simple little prepackaged worldview. Seems to me you and Pariah are the ones rushing to judgement. Your the morons who assumed I meant they were just as bad/evil as Pariah's other example's. And now here you are telling me I'm intolerant. This from a little toad who seldom has anything other then mocking and heckling to contribute? Worst of all you make all these generic complaints but when G-man, Pariah, or Wonderboy do the same your wit is nowhere to be found. Excuse me if I don't take lectures from a sycophantic nitwit. "Obviously" the point wasn't that you were being witty. Point was you're not very good at covering your ass once you've let the venom and mechanical errors fly. I'm just glad what's obvious to you is in all actuality non-sequitorial.
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Am I the only one who knows pariah trolls just to piss people off? Do you not get the irony of his signature? So if Pariah trolls to piss people off then what's Sammitch's excuse?
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Am I the only one who knows pariah trolls just to piss people off? Do you not get the irony of his signature? So if Pariah trolls to piss people off then what's Sammitch's excuse? He's an attention whore. Any kind of attention is good for him, good or bad.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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Still one of my favorites.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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I'm just saying an argument can be made is all. Of course "an argument can be made" for anything. That does not, however, mean the argument being made is sound.
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living in 1962 15000+ posts
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Still one of my favorites. classics never go out of style. even the fucktard agrees by his above post.
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living in 1962 15000+ posts
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oh, but don't you know Halo, that all those things are merely "growing pains" from their "assimilation" into the culture.  Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind. I don't get how you guys take Pariah seriously - he's a joke with no punchline. He takes pride in his cringe inducing stupidity, his lame insults, and his ridiculously erroneous comments, all of which are pathetic cries for attention. You can't have an intelligent conversation with a misogynistic, racist, self loathing gay man who is so deeply in denial of his own homosexuality that he's buried himself in the proverbial closet with his shemale pics. And he's so far in that closet that he doesn't know enough to realize he should be embarrassed by his laughable ignorance and staggering stupidity.
He's completely irrelevant. Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind. You forgot sadistic. I mean, who messes with Squirls? Donkeys, cows, dogs, cats okay...but squirls? squirrels mean the start of a hardcore match. . . Pariah can apparently rationalize any act into some sort of "logical cultural expansion" at least in his own infantile, self absorbed mind. You forgot sadistic. I mean, who messes with Squirls? Donkeys, cows, dogs, cats okay...but squirls? squirrels mean the start of a hardcore match. . . "Squirls"  I really need to get laid. So, to be clear on the proceedings: I make a fool out of Grimm because he proves himself stupid enough to make claims he can't prove. As a result, he resorts to petty insults that ignore any detailed replies that actually refute what he tries to argue. Harley realizes that this is Grimm's Pariah-defense mechanism when his ability to respond intelligently has been exhausted through consistent use (or two posts worth). And so she decides to lash out at me so as to back her spam-based conversational fuck buddy with whom she enjoys trading romantic emoticons with for the sake of feeling fun-loving even if being totally unaware of her overall germane and extraneous redundancy. She even goes so far as to deny my individual relevance as if I didn't exist. I suppose denying reality as a means of shunning dissent would be her forte; it's best to live in a fantasy realm where it's only what she thinks that holds merit and so she'll say whatever she wants without actually expanding on the assertions she makes...For example: Feeling that there's warrant to call someone racist and yet refusing to actually highlight the exact words of that someone to show them how "racist" they are. I suppose I should point out her bandying of the word "misogynistic," but basically I don't care what she says about me because, as I already pointed out, I'm not relevant (see also: I lack tangibility; I don't exist; I am a stray figment of Harley's imagination and therefore am not suitable enough to respond to or reply to even if I verbally disagree with here line reasoning). I doesn't matter what I say because I am irrelevant and cut off completely from Harley's intellectual consciousness. Therefore, she lacks any true identity I might be able to identify with. How tragic...But not really. And then when Harley's finished setting the scene, Grimm feels vindicated to start his usual circle-jerk in the thread with whomever else would be willing to trash who it was that made a fool out of him. Halo was apparently his nearest reinforcement after Harley decided it best not to imagine this thread anymore and zipped away. He went so far as to try and satirically label my arguments in conjunction with Halo. Even though I know he only speaks with him in an attempt to stave off his attraction to me, it's only logical to assume, on a cursory glance, that he collaborates with Halo through insults because he actually agrees with everything he says and the way he says it. Harley must be behind Halo as well since she popped in to say, "Pariah's irrelevant," during my and Halo's little conversation. Logic aside, I'll ask for clarification anyway: Grimm, Harley: As an example of your exemplary and uncanny ability to separate bullshit from facts, I would like to hear what you think of Halo's performance. I already know that I (or any other conservative here for that matter) am the safe primary target because everyone hates me anyway, but since we're doing reviews on peoples' expression of facts (or lack thereof), perhaps you could tell me that you agree with everything Halo says and the way he says it since you're not approaching him with the same level of criticism. I mean, it only makes sense right...This guy has shown himself to be the very bastion of truth and historical accuracy, which is why you favor his posts over mine in this conversation. Don't you think so? And Harley, I know I'm a figment of your imagination, but it's not technically unhealthy to humor your imaginary friends some of the time. So please feel free to answer the question. paranoid much? you don't care so much that you wrote out entire lengthy paragraphs to state how much you don't care. you really don't see your own stupidity, do you? as far as Halo, I couldn't care less. I haven't bothered with anyone else in the thread because I just enjoy shitting in your corn flakes.
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Don't care? What do you mean "don't care?" I care very much about making a fool out of you Grimm. It's one of my favorite past-times to have you make an attempt at contradicting me and then end up being second-guessed by your own idiocy.
You think I don't care Grimm? That hurts buddy. It really does.
But I suppose that this means your non-commentating of Halo means that you approve of everything he says and how he says it by default. I'll store your collaboration with him away for future reference...Since I'm the jealous type and all.
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Why are you dragging me into your argument with Grimm? Isn't our argument enough that you got to get me involved with this too?
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BTW, Pariah So, to be clear on the proceedings: I make a fool out of Grimm because he proves himself stupid enough to make claims he can't prove. As a result, he resorts to petty insults that ignore any detailed replies that actually refute what he tries to argue.
Harley realizes that this is Grimm's Pariah-defense mechanism when his ability to respond intelligently has been exhausted through consistent use (or two posts worth). And so she decides to lash out at me so as to back her spam-based conversational fuck buddy with whom she enjoys trading romantic emoticons with for the sake of feeling fun-loving even if being totally unaware of her overall germane and extraneous redundancy. She even goes so far as to deny my individual relevance as if I didn't exist. I suppose denying reality as a means of shunning dissent would be her forte; it's best to live in a fantasy realm where it's only what she thinks that holds merit and so she'll say whatever she wants without actually expanding on the assertions she makes...For example: Feeling that there's warrant to call someone racist and yet refusing to actually highlight the exact words of that someone to show them how "racist" they are. I suppose I should point out her bandying of the word "misogynistic," but basically I don't care what she says about me because, as I already pointed out, I'm not relevant (see also: I lack tangibility; I don't exist; I am a stray figment of Harley's imagination and therefore am not suitable enough to respond to or reply to even if I verbally disagree with here line reasoning). I doesn't matter what I say because I am irrelevant and cut off completely from Harley's intellectual consciousness. Therefore, she lacks any true identity I might be able to identify with. How tragic...But not really.
And then when Harley's finished setting the scene, Grimm feels vindicated to start his usual circle-jerk in the thread with whomever else would be willing to trash who it was that made a fool out of him. Halo was apparently his nearest reinforcement after Harley decided it best not to imagine this thread anymore and zipped away. He went so far as to try and satirically label my arguments in conjunction with Halo. Even though I know he only speaks with him in an attempt to stave off his attraction to me, it's only logical to assume, on a cursory glance, that he collaborates with Halo through insults because he actually agrees with everything he says and the way he says it. Harley must be behind Halo as well since she popped in to say, "Pariah's irrelevant," during my and Halo's little conversation. Logic aside, I'll ask for clarification anyway:
Grimm, Harley: As an example of your exemplary and uncanny ability to separate bullshit from facts, I would like to hear what you think of Halo's performance.
I already know that I (or any other conservative here for that matter) am the safe primary target because everyone hates me anyway, but since we're doing reviews on peoples' expression of facts (or lack thereof), perhaps you could tell me that you agree with everything Halo says and the way he says it since you're not approaching him with the same level of criticism. I mean, it only makes sense right...This guy has shown himself to be the very bastion of truth and historical accuracy, which is why you favor his posts over mine in this conversation. Don't you think so?
And Harley, I know I'm a figment of your imagination, but it's not technically unhealthy to humor your imaginary friends some of the time. So please feel free to answer the question. This is all extremely pathological. You're starting to make WB look like a normal person.
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Quite the contrary Halo: Both Grimm and Harley inadvertently shacked themselves up with you. In effect, they dragged themselves in. And I'm capitalizing on their retardation.
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living in 1962 15000+ posts
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BTW, Pariah So, to be clear on the proceedings: I make a fool out of Grimm because he proves himself stupid enough to make claims he can't prove. As a result, he resorts to petty insults that ignore any detailed replies that actually refute what he tries to argue.
Harley realizes that this is Grimm's Pariah-defense mechanism when his ability to respond intelligently has been exhausted through consistent use (or two posts worth). And so she decides to lash out at me so as to back her spam-based conversational fuck buddy with whom she enjoys trading romantic emoticons with for the sake of feeling fun-loving even if being totally unaware of her overall germane and extraneous redundancy. She even goes so far as to deny my individual relevance as if I didn't exist. I suppose denying reality as a means of shunning dissent would be her forte; it's best to live in a fantasy realm where it's only what she thinks that holds merit and so she'll say whatever she wants without actually expanding on the assertions she makes...For example: Feeling that there's warrant to call someone racist and yet refusing to actually highlight the exact words of that someone to show them how "racist" they are. I suppose I should point out her bandying of the word "misogynistic," but basically I don't care what she says about me because, as I already pointed out, I'm not relevant (see also: I lack tangibility; I don't exist; I am a stray figment of Harley's imagination and therefore am not suitable enough to respond to or reply to even if I verbally disagree with here line reasoning). I doesn't matter what I say because I am irrelevant and cut off completely from Harley's intellectual consciousness. Therefore, she lacks any true identity I might be able to identify with. How tragic...But not really.
And then when Harley's finished setting the scene, Grimm feels vindicated to start his usual circle-jerk in the thread with whomever else would be willing to trash who it was that made a fool out of him. Halo was apparently his nearest reinforcement after Harley decided it best not to imagine this thread anymore and zipped away. He went so far as to try and satirically label my arguments in conjunction with Halo. Even though I know he only speaks with him in an attempt to stave off his attraction to me, it's only logical to assume, on a cursory glance, that he collaborates with Halo through insults because he actually agrees with everything he says and the way he says it. Harley must be behind Halo as well since she popped in to say, "Pariah's irrelevant," during my and Halo's little conversation. Logic aside, I'll ask for clarification anyway:
Grimm, Harley: As an example of your exemplary and uncanny ability to separate bullshit from facts, I would like to hear what you think of Halo's performance.
I already know that I (or any other conservative here for that matter) am the safe primary target because everyone hates me anyway, but since we're doing reviews on peoples' expression of facts (or lack thereof), perhaps you could tell me that you agree with everything Halo says and the way he says it since you're not approaching him with the same level of criticism. I mean, it only makes sense right...This guy has shown himself to be the very bastion of truth and historical accuracy, which is why you favor his posts over mine in this conversation. Don't you think so?
And Harley, I know I'm a figment of your imagination, but it's not technically unhealthy to humor your imaginary friends some of the time. So please feel free to answer the question. This is all extremely pathological. You're starting to make WB look like a normal person.  almost sane even!
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Quite the contrary Halo: Both Grimm and Harley inadvertently shacked themselves up with you. In effect, they dragged themselves in. And I'm capitalizing on their retardation. Fuckin hell. This is one of those moments when you just KNOW there's something really funny to say but you just can't think of it. To bad Sammitch choses to you his ability to say idiotic yet humorous thing for evil.
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And what the fuck happened to Ray's post?
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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BTW, Pariah So, to be clear on the proceedings: I make a fool out of Grimm because he proves himself stupid enough to make claims he can't prove. As a result, he resorts to petty insults that ignore any detailed replies that actually refute what he tries to argue.
Harley realizes that this is Grimm's Pariah-defense mechanism when his ability to respond intelligently has been exhausted through consistent use (or two posts worth). And so she decides to lash out at me so as to back her spam-based conversational fuck buddy with whom she enjoys trading romantic emoticons with for the sake of feeling fun-loving even if being totally unaware of her overall germane and extraneous redundancy. She even goes so far as to deny my individual relevance as if I didn't exist. I suppose denying reality as a means of shunning dissent would be her forte; it's best to live in a fantasy realm where it's only what she thinks that holds merit and so she'll say whatever she wants without actually expanding on the assertions she makes...For example: Feeling that there's warrant to call someone racist and yet refusing to actually highlight the exact words of that someone to show them how "racist" they are. I suppose I should point out her bandying of the word "misogynistic," but basically I don't care what she says about me because, as I already pointed out, I'm not relevant (see also: I lack tangibility; I don't exist; I am a stray figment of Harley's imagination and therefore am not suitable enough to respond to or reply to even if I verbally disagree with here line reasoning). I doesn't matter what I say because I am irrelevant and cut off completely from Harley's intellectual consciousness. Therefore, she lacks any true identity I might be able to identify with. How tragic...But not really.
And then when Harley's finished setting the scene, Grimm feels vindicated to start his usual circle-jerk in the thread with whomever else would be willing to trash who it was that made a fool out of him. Halo was apparently his nearest reinforcement after Harley decided it best not to imagine this thread anymore and zipped away. He went so far as to try and satirically label my arguments in conjunction with Halo. Even though I know he only speaks with him in an attempt to stave off his attraction to me, it's only logical to assume, on a cursory glance, that he collaborates with Halo through insults because he actually agrees with everything he says and the way he says it. Harley must be behind Halo as well since she popped in to say, "Pariah's irrelevant," during my and Halo's little conversation. Logic aside, I'll ask for clarification anyway:
Grimm, Harley: As an example of your exemplary and uncanny ability to separate bullshit from facts, I would like to hear what you think of Halo's performance.
I already know that I (or any other conservative here for that matter) am the safe primary target because everyone hates me anyway, but since we're doing reviews on peoples' expression of facts (or lack thereof), perhaps you could tell me that you agree with everything Halo says and the way he says it since you're not approaching him with the same level of criticism. I mean, it only makes sense right...This guy has shown himself to be the very bastion of truth and historical accuracy, which is why you favor his posts over mine in this conversation. Don't you think so?
And Harley, I know I'm a figment of your imagination, but it's not technically unhealthy to humor your imaginary friends some of the time. So please feel free to answer the question. This is all extremely pathological. You're starting to make WB look like a normal person.  almost sane even! And Pariah wins again for making Grimm continue his circle-jerk with Halo. Pathological? Maybe. Genius? Indisputably.
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How's him agreeing with me any worse then Sammitch agreeing with you?
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Pariah...a genius who can't figure out what "fake patriot" implies.
That's rich.
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How's him agreeing with me any worse then Sammitch agreeing with you? Boy, Sammitch really got under your skin, didn't he?
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You draw that conclusion from statement how?
It's a valid question that doesn't insult Sammitch.
But if you must know Sammitch did irritate me. I can't obnoxious trolls who have style and I doubly can't stand obnoxious trolls who have no style.
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How's him agreeing with me any worse then Sammitch agreeing with you? Boy, Sammitch really got under your skin, didn't he?
You draw that conclusion from statement how? You seem to have a tendency to bring him up a lot, even when he's not participating in a topic: I bet you Captain Sammitch gives great helmet. Yeah that's right Man-Sammitch, so FUCK OFF. I've been dying for an excuse to say man-sammitch...
..sandwhich...sammitch...how can you resist? Sammitch, I'm sure you think I'm clever "Heckler": What a perfect word to describe Sammitch. Sammitch...You talk about originality while at the same time mimicing the pathetic exaggerations of Wonderboy and ever other dogmatic individual who couldn't hack it in a straight up argument against me. But you know what? I'm glad you won't put me on ignore. Life just wouldn't be the same without you making your unctuous smartass comments and then running away. Like I said it be tragic. See Sammitch, THAT'S how you throw someone's words back in there face effectively.
All I know is I'd better I'd better not hear any bitching out of Sammitch ... Stick to short obnoxious post Sammitch. You don't do actual thought well. To bad Sammitch choses to you his ability to say idiotic yet humorous thing for evil.
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For the record your a clueless ass. It wasn't a comparison. A comparison is saying a spider has a bigger dick then yours. The point is bad people are in every govt. I was making a point about how the black people who were taken to America would have suffered under those dictators. You responded by saying they were going to suffer under Cheney, Bush, McCarthy, etc. anyway. In effect, you're saying that your personal feelings for how evil Republicans are is equivalent to all the evil of the African dictators. "Yeah sure, they probably would have been slave-driven, worked to death, tortured, and executed during the reign of the 20th century American dictators! But living under the jerks we got isn't much better now is it!?" No Halo. I guess it's not. You asked me why I thought the Indians didn't last you moron. No. I asked why you think the agreements they had between each other never lasted. It's not an assumption. I just know what Chaos and kraven behavior is and there's no account other then you that says they were complete barbarians. Perhaps if you'd actually studied the cultures, you'd get some insight. The fact that you don't know what I'm talking about doesn't automatically mean that I'm wrong. It actually means that you're ignorant. How is what I said contradictory? I knew just enough to tell you were wrong? First you say it’s simply because you think I’m stupid that you disagree. Then you say it’s because you actually know what you’re talking (and then we find out you don’t). What got me into this conversation was your twisted pathological rationalization that we didn't do anything wrong just cause the indians didn't have the same law as we do. They didn’t just lack the same law. They didn’t have any law at all. Feel free to disprove that with actual history at any time. Call it what you want, but it's true. I said everything asshole. But, for example, the Indians had no law. Okay, that’s one reference, now prove that it’s conjecture by expressing what makes it a false historical reference. You used a paragraph from Wiki moron not the link I provided. And that means I was leading away from yours? Infoplease had next to nothing for me to work with except for brief summaries with no thoroughness and you expect me to cooperate with it? Wikipedia didn’t say much that was different you know; I used it because it actually had references that we were talking about. I repeat: Your “Manifest Destiny” citation was not in the link you gave. How the fuck is someone supposed to tolerate your source when you don’t even incorporate any of its material? The exact words? Really? That's amazing. But I suppose they'd have to be exact for you to make the connection. You’re floundering. At this point, your extrapolating minutia so as to distract from you lack of knowledge on a subject you just jumped into. *looking back* no I've said a little more then that. Nope. Every time I made a point about citing history, you’ve said only that I quoted it incorrectly. At the same time, you offered no official corrections beyond, “You’re wrong.” Most of what I've said is that your trying to use the imperfection in Indian society to justify what happened. If that's the case every society should be conquered.  What you say I said is not what I actually said. Nice try though. Indian culture wasn't simply “imperfect,” it was (my exact term) “savage.” Which is terribly and primitively unhealthy. If you choose to live in those conditions even while knowing there’s a much healthier way to live around the corner, that makes you both masochistic and suicidal. Which is false. It explicitly says by force. You wanted an example of your conjecture here it is. Wrong again. It says stray Indians who didn’t want to comply with the land treaties were “forced” out. That’s not the same as making them sign the treaties by force. Aside from the Treaty of Echota, which was a fringe case I already expanded upon as being a screw up by Andrew Jackson, the signings were not generally forced even if they were pressured. Do I think there's alot of fucking space on the East Coast they could have lived? Yeah. For the next 200 years? Chyeah! Okay. In the long run, the Anglos unified and secured the entire land for everyone on the continent in the long run; neither the Mexicans nor the Natives were gonna do it, so….There you have it. So, I guess the Nazi's didn't partake in Genocide either since they split there time between killing jews and putting them in concentration camps. Look at that, Pariah has redeemed Nazi's of yore. Let's not be hopelessly literal because if the nazi's didn't commit genocide then pretty much nobody did. So, being as intelligent as I am I was able to read between the lines, cut through the bullshit, and find you that link. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Removal_ActWhat the hell are you talking about? Not even during the most severe periods of the Indian Removal Act did the Anglos ever concentrate and deliberately starve to death the Indians. They didn’t torture them nor did they execute them. I’m not sure, but I think this is the third time you’ve made an effort to try and use the Nazis as a crutch. Get a new act and stop tossing around the word genocide like so much confetti. But you have. First by ignoring it and then twisting it. I didn’t ignore it. I explained to you very thoroughly was it wasn’t a valid example and then demonstrated a way to phrase your analogy that would be more appropriate to the context of the discussion. I use the word genocide because alot of fucking people were killed. But if I have to break things down Barney Style for you then perhaps Mass Murder would be better since in fact we murdered alot of fucking indians. Is that literal enough for your feeble mind to comprehend? But the Anglo government didn’t officially have anyone murdered. I’m sure there were stray Anglos who were prejudice enough to commit murder, but killing them in a war an being too inept to keep the Cherokees from dying during the emigration is not the same as murder. Abusing the word “genocide” is just another way of making and ad hominem attack. Okay, you've answered the question somewhat but you logic is the kind of logic that's idiotic. say Russia is superior, but you prefer you and others prefer your inferior way of life. Kind of like, a country person who doesn't want to move to the city. That’s a more appropriate question, but even the country-farmer lifestyle is still healthier than the tribal hunter/gatherer lifestyle. In fact, our superior technological lifestyle is still pretty dependent on our farmers. But getting back to the question: If we were to assume that everyone—And I mean EVERYONE—In the US was a hill-billy and not making a any progress beyond living from day to day, then yes I would see justification for absorption by another country who felt it could put better use to the land. From my current objective point of view, it would be mal-productive to fight off the culture that’s importing cultural advancement and better lifestyles even my hypothetical hill-billy double would fight off settlers. You don't make sense cause your an idiot. The U.S wanted to contain Communism thinking it was bad. Thinking everybody should be democratic (a mentality we have to this day). That's where the "enlightenment" argument comes in. Yes, they think it was bad. They thought it was bad because it was a threat. Ever heard of the domino effect? It happened in Europe and America wanted to preempt it. I use sarcasm in response to you romanticizing them. Yeah. So I guess this means you don’t believe they brought philosophy to the new world… Wow, you really can't comprehend anything that isn't in it's simplist form can you? Which doesn’t really say much about you when you’re avoiding telling me what it means. I made an inference. Just like you did with "Inferiority complex much" shit. So lemme get this straight: You infer that I think I’m special because I believe what I do? Based on…..What? The fact that I type a lot? Yeah, it’s much more likely that you’re suffering a serious case of envy.
Last edited by Pariah; 2007-11-25 10:26 PM.
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Man.... Is Pariah still trying to reason away genocide? Because you're the foremost expert on the subject, perhaps you could do us all a solid and define "genocide" and then contextualize it with the history being discussed here. I know it's no problem for you buddy. I'd really like your insight on this matter Whomod. I'm sure we'd all benefit from what you'd have to say on genocide.
Last edited by Pariah; 2007-11-24 11:48 PM.
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Where's Disco Steve when you need him?
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How's him agreeing with me any worse then Sammitch agreeing with you? Boy, Sammitch really got under your skin, didn't he?
You draw that conclusion from statement how? You seem to have a tendency to bring him up a lot, even when he's not participating in a topic: I bet you Captain Sammitch gives great helmet. Yeah that's right Man-Sammitch, so FUCK OFF. I've been dying for an excuse to say man-sammitch...
..sandwhich...sammitch...how can you resist? Sammitch, I'm sure you think I'm clever "Heckler": What a perfect word to describe Sammitch. Sammitch...You talk about originality while at the same time mimicing the pathetic exaggerations of Wonderboy and ever other dogmatic individual who couldn't hack it in a straight up argument against me. But you know what? I'm glad you won't put me on ignore. Life just wouldn't be the same without you making your unctuous smartass comments and then running away. Like I said it be tragic. See Sammitch, THAT'S how you throw someone's words back in there face effectively.
All I know is I'd better I'd better not hear any bitching out of Sammitch ... Stick to short obnoxious post Sammitch. You don't do actual thought well. To bad Sammitch choses to you his ability to say idiotic yet humorous thing for evil. First, alot of those he was participating in the topic. Second, those quotes are takin from conversations over the course of 2-3 months since I started posting here. Third, that's nothing compared to the times he's followed me around posting my quotes in some lame attempt at being clever. Fourth, some of those were in retaliation to his trolling. Fifth, to keep track of my comments I guess I should ask if I've gotten under your skin. Except I don't give a fuck.
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Hip To Be Square 15000+ posts
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I havent read much of this thread, but Pariah is my new hero! I wish to adopt him!
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...to keep track of my comments.... Don't get too flattered. It wasn't difficult to put the word "Sammitch" and your username into the board search engine. It only confirmed what I'd noticed, namely, that you like to bitch about Sammitch a lot.
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I was making a point about how the black people who were taken to America would have suffered under those dictators. You responded by saying they were going to suffer under Cheney, Bush, McCarthy, etc. anyway. In effect, you're saying that your personal feelings for how evil Republicans are is equivalent to all the evil of the African dictators.
"Yeah sure, they probably would have been slave-driven, worked to death, tortured, and executed during the reign of the 20th century American dictators! But living under the jerks we got isn't much better now is it!?"
No Halo. I guess it's not.
One more time, with feeling. I wasn't making a comparison or that they were evil as those African people. All I'm saying is that there's bad people everywhere. It's that simple. I just think it's asinine for you to point at Africa's bad leaders talking about how much better the US is since in Africa the people probaly rationalize for there leaders the same way you, G-man, Sammitch , and Wonderboy rationalize for Bush and all them. In the Thanksgiving thread a posted a link to a site where a Romanian was rationalizing for Vlad the implaler. BTW, who are you quoting? No. I asked why you think the agreements they had between each other never lasted. Ok. I see now. Perhaps if you'd actually studied the cultures, you'd get some insight.
The fact that you don't know what I'm talking about doesn't automatically mean that I'm wrong. It actually means that you're ignorant.
Maybe if you didn't manipulate, exaserbate, make up facts to your benefit you might be takin somewhat seriously. Actually, maybe if you weren't a callous asshole who marginalizes genocide (oh I'm sorry I mean "mass murder") as "growing pains you'd be takin seriously. You say that it was chaos with the Indians? That they were savages who slaughtered each other but that's not true. Not the way you present it. It was called Endemic Warfare. For them it was like the Olympics competing against each other for honor and what not. That's not very intelligent IMO but hardly the anarchy you present. Here- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endemic_warfare First you say it’s simply because you think I’m stupid that you disagree. Then you say it’s because you actually know what you’re talking (and then we find out you don’t). No, I knew just enough to know you were wrong. I also knew that your blinded by your ego (just another way of saying your stupid). I knew two things at the same time. It's my own special talent* However, the fact your making anykind of deal out of this means your desperate for argument material. They didn’t just lack the same law. They didn’t have any law at all. Feel free to disprove that with actual history at any time.
Why am I the only one who has to provide referances? Your the one running your mouth like the grand master of Injin history. I've already provided links, your turn to back it up. But here's a little back up using sense. In order for them to have a working society of some kind they must have had SOME kind of law or concept of law. Okay, that’s one reference, now prove that it’s conjecture by expressing what makes it a false historical reference. See above. And that means I was leading away from yours?
Infoplease had next to nothing for me to work with except for brief summaries with no thoroughness and you expect me to cooperate with it? Wikipedia didn’t say much that was different you know; I used it because it actually had references that we were talking about. I repeat: Your “Manifest Destiny” citation was not in the link you gave. How the fuck is someone supposed to tolerate your source when you don’t even incorporate any of its material?
Excuses excuses. I've boldened the only part of your statement that really matters. Infoplease had nothing that helped your case so you went to Wiki and found a paragraph that really didn't offer anything in the way of the conversation. Or the actual conversation. You seem to think I'm saying they were evil. Let clarify right now what I'm actually saying. -What happened to the Indians was tragic. -Then Indians weren't the mindless, chaotic, barbarians you paint them as. -The US was wrong for the most part. -Your an idiot to so callously dismiss what happened as assimiliation. Those are my points. Not that AMerica is evil, not that the Indians were perfect, just what's listed above. All though, I might have lost track of other points those are the ones that I'm really trying to get across. You’re floundering. At this point, your extrapolating minutia so as to distract from you lack of knowledge on a subject you just jumped into.
Pariah, I told you at the begining there comes a certain point where instead of taking your redundant dribble seriously I'd just mock it to save myself time answering the utterly inane. For me to be floudering I'd have to be doing something diffrent then what I've been doing or said I would do. So, you can take this little red herring and stick it up your battered rectum. Nope. Every time I made a point about citing history, you’ve said only that I quoted it incorrectly. At the same time, you offered no official corrections beyond, “You’re wrong.” Tell yourself what you want but *actually* looking back it's simply not true. What you say I said is not what I actually said. Nice try though.
Indian culture was simply “imperfect,” it was (my exact term) “savage.” Which is terribly and primitively unhealthy. If you choose to live in those conditions even while knowing there’s a much healthier way to live around the corner, that makes you both masochistic and suicidal. See this is what I'm talking about. Maybe you'd see something more then "your wrong" if you actually looked at what I'm saying. I never said you said that I was making an inference. Maybe they weren't so much suicidal as they were brave or loyal. I'm not saying they were I'm just saying that maybe things don't always fall into the compartments you assign them according to your own outlook. Wrong again. It says stray Indians who didn’t want to comply with the land treaties were “forced” out. That’s not the same as making them sign the treaties by force. Now your just making shit up. Here's exactly what it said- The treaties enacted under the provisions of the Removal Act paved the way for the reluctant—and often forcible—emigration of tens of thousands of American Indians to the WestI don't even see the word "stray" Indian in there. For the next 200 years? Chyeah! Okay.
Why not? People in Hawaii, Okinawa, New Zealand made do with much less. To this day there's still alot of unhoused territory on the east coast. But you know what your right. In 200 years Canada's population will be too big for there territory so they would be perfectly within there rights to expand south. What the hell are you talking about? Not even during the most severe periods of the Indian Removal Act did the Anglos ever concentrate and deliberately starve to death the Indians. They didn’t torture them nor did they execute them.
What I'm talking about is your narrow minded view on things. They didn't intend so it was okay? I’m not sure, but I think this is the third time you’ve made an effort to try and use the Nazis as a crutch. Get a new act and stop tossing around the word genocide like so much confetti.
Okay, I'll use slaughter instead. Really doesn't make a diffence to me. Genocide just seems to reflect the proper body count. I try not to break Godwyn's law but the Nazi referance fit into the conversation at the time. Don't like it...tough titty. I didn’t ignore it. I explained to you very thoroughly was it wasn’t a valid example and then demonstrated a way to phrase your analogy that would be more appropriate to the context of the discussion. You changed the question into a matter of who was superior which had nothing do with it except in your own fucked up mind where all that matters is superiority. But the Anglo government didn’t officially have anyone murdered. I’m sure there were stray Anglos who were prejudice enough to commit murder, but killing them in a war an being too inept to keep the Cherokees from dying during the emigration is not the same as murder.
Abusing the word “genocide” is just another way of making and ad hominem attack.
Fuck officially, they killed alot of mother fuckers. That's the point. You seem to be very defensive about the word Genocide? (see now that's an ad hominem attack) That’s a more appropriate question, but even the country-farmer lifestyle is still healthier than the tribal hunter/gatherer lifestyle. In fact, our superior technological lifestyle is still pretty dependent on our farmers.
It's the same fucking question I originally asked you jerkoff. But getting back to the question: If we were to assume that everyone—And I mean EVERYONE—In the US was a hill-billy and not making a any progress beyond living from day to day, then yes I would see justification for absorption by another country who felt it could put better use to the land. From my current objective point of view, it would be mal-productive to fight off the culture that’s importing cultural advancement and better lifestyles even my hypothetical hill-billy double would fight off settlers.
So people shouldn't a choice in how they live all that matters is some superficial sense of progress. I just have this crazy notion that all life has value and people shouldn't have to worry about somebody usurping them just cause that persons bigger. If your logic actually had any validity then we should get rid of the law for the exception of survival of the fittest. Yes, they think it was bad. They thought it was bad because it was a threat. Ever heard of the domino effect? It happened in Europe and America wanted to preempt it.
Thinking something's bad is okay. Going to war cause you think others should agree with you is arrogant. So I guess this means you don’t believe they brought philosophy to the new world…
They were evil* Which doesn’t really say much about you when you’re avoiding telling me what it means. It means I don't placade idiocy. Other then my own of course. So lemme get this straight: You infer that I think I’m special because I believe what I do? Based on…..What? The fact that I type a lot?
Yeah, it’s much more likely that you’re suffering a serious case of envy.
I infer you think your special out of a hunch. Take that however you want. *Sarcasm was used
Last edited by Halo82; 2007-11-25 1:41 AM.
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Don't get too flattered. It wasn't difficult to put the word "Sammitch" and your username into the board search engine. It only confirmed what I'd noticed, namely, that you like to bitch about Sammitch a lot. Probaly not as much as Wonderboy. Did you notice that too with your amazing powers of perception? For the record this is another thing that drives me nuts. People trying to pass off the painfully obvious as deep insight or profound acknowledgment. You, WB, Sammitch, and Pariah are the four mother fuckers I argue with most. In fact your the only ones I argue with on this board. So essentially what I'm saying is...no fucking shit.
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In latin it translates to the handsome, intelligent, and well endowed one.