Originally Posted By: Halo82
...For the record this is another thing that drives me nuts. People trying to pass off the painfully obvious as deep insight or profound acknowledgment. You, WB, Sammitch, and Pariah are the four mother fuckers I argue with most. In fact your the only ones I argue with on this board. So essentially what I'm saying is...no fucking shit.

You know what's great? For all the times you whine about my uncanny ability to call bullshit on you, you forget all the times I try to get you to lighten the fuck up and have a good laugh. Maybe you can't tell when I'm being serious or not; you're not the first to have that problem, and it doesn't at all reflect negatively on you that I'm that hard to figure out. But either way, you really need to lighten up. I mean if I'm getting under your skin that easily, I shudder to think of how you really feel about Pariah.

I'm not that hard to get along with. Hell, I even more or less get along with whomod most of the time, and I disagree with him on about as much as I disagree with you. Ask most of the people on here and I'm one of the easiest people on these boards to get along with, or at the very least not one of the easiest to piss off. Yeah, I call you out on a lotta stuff. And yes, a lot of the time I do it just to get a rise out of you. But honestly, most of the time I'm just trying to keep you honest, dude. Everybody trips over their own arguments, everybody has a hard time dealing with stuff that doesn't conform to their worldview, and yes, even I make spelling and grammar mistakes. It's life. And most of us will call others out on it, and we'll (ideally) have a good laugh about it and move on.

Again, I dunno if it's just because you haven't figured out how to read me yet, but you take everything really personally. Yeah, initially it's fun to jerk you around and see how you respond, but when it gets to the point where you pitch a fit every time I say "oops! spelling error! teehee!", even I get kinda tired of it. Seriously, you act like I'm out for blood on here, and anybody who knows me knows that's just not the case. Face it - I'm not gonna agree with everything you say, and I will from time to time call you out if you slip up. Call it picking on the new guy if you want. But for fuck's sake, man - it's a damned politics forum on a message board! Stop trying so hard to "slay conservatives" and have a decent conversation with the rest of us. You might enjoy it.


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