Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

And Rayman, I cannot believe you didn't dig Ribos Operation. What about that overacting ham playing the Graff Vynda-K? ;\)

just too many episodes on that same planet.

But you like the newer episodes which spend all their time on Earth?

I like Earth. Earth has many built in story angles and a whole culture in which to write a story around. This was a planet in the dark ages and a lot of time was spent in tunnels.
Stories on alien worlds require creating a whole new culture, so the quality of that culture will define the quality of the story taking place there. Earth is Earth, we can see the Doctor in New York during the 1930's and we feel the difference and truly get a sense of time travel. It makes it seem more exciting (to me at least). And it saves them money on creating a CGI city when they can just shoot exterior shots of London in the present.
I also think it makes sense to have the show do many Earth-centric episodes. The Doctor is entertaining his companion so he's showing her the past/future of her world.
Though I wouldn't mind offworld stories at all. And I think that Earth has been invaded an aweful lot in the present and another invasion soon might be silly.

Overall I felt Ribbos was kind of weak. In fact the whole Key to Time story felt like I was playing Knights of the Old Republic again. Go here, get involved with the locals, and then they get the piece at the end and go to their ship.
But, let me say that I do like Baker. In all the ones I've watched he had a lot of funny lines. Even when bored with the overall story, I got enough good laughs at his responses that I kept watching just for the next little remark.

You'll probably like Hartnell's run. The original idea for the show was to be half-assed educational and teach both science and history in the same show. So the first Doctor spent his first couple of years traveling mostly in Earth's past and encountering the likes of Nero and Richard the Lionheart as well as cavemen and Aztecs.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."