Jon Pertwee was the first Doctor on when I really got into the show about 24 years ago.

It was " The Time Monster " that I saw.

It was great fun! I remember seeing those adventures for the first time and going " Wow!" at the end of each episode.

Then Tom Baker's Doctor came around.

He was and still is quite awesome.

I agree with other evaluations of his seven year run: You could tell he was quite bored by season 5, but what he did for the first four years with the character was brilliant and earned him much acclaim as the favorite Doctor of many, including me.

I am not sure? but it seemed like many of those little ad libs were written by him.

Fourth Doctor: " Your name.. it's too long. What is it again? "

Romana: " Romandervratalunda."

Fourth Doctor: " It's too long. If you were in danger, by the time I called out your name to warn you, you would be dead! How about if we shorten it to " Romana" ? "

Romana: " I don't like that."

Fourth Doctor: " It's either that or I call you Fred."

Romana: " Okay, Fred it is, then."

Fourth Doctor: " Alright, follow me, Romana."

That was a quote from " The Ribos Operation."

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.