Holy mother of god.

I can't even imagine who find this things, let alone how are they found, but, according to BOF, this is what the "LC6551" thing was all about:

Go here: http://www.gothampolice.com/secureintern...ents/docdb.aspx (a page that is impossible to acces through the 'general info' or 'recrutiment' sections, so how the hell did someone find out about this? nevermind)

And log in as “BreitupKarl”, password “21485”. Then you can use the search engine to look for the LC6551 document, and voila, there it is. It says something about the gang wars and all that. The thing I noticed is that the LC6551 doc is signed by Larry Coniglia... the same man on the marriage certificate, where Sal Maroni was one of the witnesses. What does it means? I have no idea.

And for those getting tired of all this (I'm not, I'm loving this but there's a lot of people bitching at the SHH forums... but I never liked that place anyway, they allways seem to bitch about everything), according to http://www.whysoserious.com/outoftime, the next task will be the final one. We must look in "the funny papers" to know what it will be like.

P.S: BOF also has a list of possible sites to come, and also a full transcription of the bad cop phone call here: http://www.batman-on-film.com/TDK_viral-updates_12-1-07.html

here: http://www.gpdiad.com/feeds/as12061500/default.aspx you can hear a recording of gunfires and corrupt cops talking at Beth's House of Pies. It was cool because if you were loged in at 3 oclock you could hear it "live". But I don't understand a word of what they say, except something about Flass.
Name: BarhyteGlenn
Password: tevredenheid
1:You order?

2:Just coffee for both of us.... Nobody sits here.

1: Flass's table.

2: Yeah, flass would eat off a train's floor

1: I hear he's lost alot of weight..

2: What do you expect? the guy's a vegetable.

Woman: Your coffee, You want anything with that?

1: Hey ?????, ????

woman: You sure you dont want pie or somethin?

2: ahh no thanks, missus made three pies for the thanksgiving. I'm all pied out.

woman: all of my tables, just coffee, what am I, some kinda barista or something?

1: Hey, I promise we'll tip good

woman: Half my tables, just drinking coffee, Now Mr. Falcone, he liked a piece of pie. Especially for the tip.

1. Whats she charging for the coffee

2: You know you gotta pay her to be the drop point..

1. lookit this will you, two bucks for the coffee

3--Its okay guys, coffee is on the department this time. Internal Affairs, hands on the table. I'll take your sidearms and we'll all go downtown.

2: Internal Affairs?

3. Keep your voices down. Hands on the table.

--scattered shots--

GET DOWN, GET DOWN. Fired, we got shots fired-

-oh god-

we need backup!
officer down!

I dont give a damn whose in the parkinglot, you had to arrest us in the restaurant? Who do you think eats here? Boyscouts? Just who the hell ---??? Christ!

I need backup, 14-45 Malone,

-we've reported shots fired, -

we've got an officer down, repeat, officer down
suspects are two white males on foot-

New Email from Wearetheanswer.com

Please be advised that the active phase of the investigation pertaining
to your tip has come to a close. The case is now under review by the
corruption unit at the District Attorney's office.

Thank you for stepping forward to provide what has turned out to be
crucial information in this investigation. By exposing corruption, you
are part of making Gotham better, safer, stronger.

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
Old Men - 0

"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"