Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

There was also a new Iowa State University poll that has basically the exact same results as the AP-Pew poll with Hillary leading. While I like Hillary I hope you don't think I fabricated these polls.

today's PBS News Hour:

  • The Register's poll of likely Democratic caucus-goers puts Obama on top with 28 percent, up 6 percent from October. Hillary Clinton is second with 25 percent, but within the 4.5 percent margin of error. And former North Carolina Senator John Edwards, who finished second in Iowa in 2004, is close with 23 percent.

    Meanwhile, the results of a new Pew Research Center-Associated Press poll still has Hillary Clinton first, with 31 percent support from likely caucus-goers. Obama is second at 26 percent, but within the poll's 5.5 percent margin of error. John Edwards again is third, with 19 percent support.

    In Iowa this weekend, Obama continued to make his case that he's the most electable candidate and pointed to the new poll numbers.

    SEN. BARACK OBAMA (D), Illinois:" If you look at polls that have been done around the country, but also here in Iowa, it indicates that, in fact, Republicans and independents are more favorably disposed towards my campaign than they are to some of the other candidates."

    REKHA BASU, Columnist, Des Moines Register: "I think actually what we're seeing is a race still very, very much up in the air.

    And I think one of the -- there are three things to be said here about this. One is that Iowans are very much divided still. About 50 percent of Democrats and about 65 percent of Republicans say that their minds could still be changed, which is really pretty significant. And if you talk to people anecdotally, that's what you hear, that people really are still unsure, that some people are actually saying they might go into their caucuses and make up their mind at that point.

    ... four years ago, Howard Dean was the frontrunner... by a clear majority about three weeks before caucus day... And that, as we know, turned completely around. So things are still very much in flux, I think."

In fairness, the front-runner in both parties (Clinton among democrats, Giuliani among Republicans) have seen their numbers decline in recent weeks.

Which actually is just fine for me, in both cases. Huckabee is my first choice, and at this point also the first choice of Iowans as well. My second choice is Romney, mostly for his strong stance on illegal immigration.

I still would prefer either Biden or Dodd as a Democrat choice, but find Obama a slightly more palatable choice over Hillary. As I said before, both Obama and Clinton are both sellouts on immigration, particularly in their pandering to La Raza, which basically amounts to a promise to hispanics to be soft on illegal immigrants. In exchange for their votes, of course. Empowering the Democrat party by selling out America.