So basically, anyone who has pride in their national identity, and doesn't wish to see it snuffed out in an overwhelming sea of foreign immigrants, who are not assimilating to British culture, immigrants who have no desire to assimilate, will be labelled by you, and other liberal slanderers like you, as "racists".


But of course, his opinion, and that of many others who see their nations inundated, not simply by others of another race, but inundated by another culture, cannot possibly be acknowledged by liberals as a legitimate concern. Never mind that London is now less than 50% British-born, with a radical muslim population that makes no pretense about their wish to take the U.K. in a very islamic and un-British direction.

That part about skinheads at his concerts is so much slanderous excrement. He can't prevent skinheads from attending his concert any more than Arnold Swarzenneger could have prevented his father from being an SS officer. Limit your attacks to the man's own actions, not slander by association. I see Morrissey as a guy who loves his country and doesn't want to see it destroyed. I could disagree, no doubt, with some of his specific actions and remarks, but I wouldn't cloud the issue by diverting from that the guy simply loves his country, and wants what's best for his country and its people. His concern is legitimate.

London is well on its way to becoming Londonistan