Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Again with the marxist tactic of repeating a slander endlessly to project as truth something you know to be false.

You know that I never called for a white-only America, or a cessation of all immigration except europeans. You know that's a lie, even as you type the words. I've only called for limiting immigration to what we can realistically assimilate as a nation.

Explain. Assimilation.

When we have millions of people in places like L.A., New Mexico, Texas and Miami who are not learning the language, who live here 10, 20 and 30 years and never bother to learn the language, who convert half the channels on radio and television in their border areas to Spanish or other languages, then we have an assimilation problem.
It is not about race in any of my remarks, and you liberal slanderers damn well know it.

I'm living proof of that lie, you dimwit.

And if you don't like spanish language TV, DON'T WATCH IT. Do SAP signals during the Simpsons bug you too?

And as I've said, since at least Mexican president Vicente Fox and members of his administration, people in the highest levels of the Mexicans government have been voicing a desire to take back the Southwestern United States through sheer immigration demographics, both legal and illegal immigrants. A rose by any other name is still "la Reconquista".

So when do I turn over the southwest to Vicente Fox?

Will there be an official ceremony?

Aided and abetted by the current mayor of Los Angeles, who is likewise an unrepentant member of the ultra-racist/Mexican-nationalist Mexica Movement, who does everything in his power to further undermine U.S. sovereignty.
La Raza is likewise a pro-Mexican-expansionist organization, and an umbrella front to any number of other radical mexican groups.

You're paranoid and racist.

Go ahead and call me a paranoid racist a few more times. It's bullshit and you know it. The facts make this clear.

Yes. Yes it is bullshit.

I'm a patriotic nationalist American, not a racist.
And you're just a lying cocksucker who undermines his own nation at every turn.

Nationalist, xenophobic, paranoid delusional, bitter. etc. etc. And as I've aid repeatedly, if you think the liberals are undermining America and destroying it, you're time to act on it is fast dissipating. Take Arms my patriot!!!

If only so I can derive satisfaction of seeing you carted away to the loony bin on the national news.

The short answer is: fuck you!

The slightly longer answer is: as I've said, I didn't reach this opinion overnight. I previously had a much more open view of immigrants for decades, and if illegal immigration were contained and growing hispanic dominance were pushed back, I'd return to a more open attitude toward immigrants.

But while we're climbing from 15% toward 25% or higher hispanic population, and the clear push toward bilingualism, my concerns are clearly far from paranoid (Or to put it another way, please re-read the "fuck you" above.)

The mayor of Los Angeles and the the Mexican government are pushing for open borders and massive immigration, legal and illegal, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. And whether or not you personally endorse it, a thick percentage of Mexicans and other hispanics tried to shut down the country, protesting rights for illegals, waving Mexican flags, and openly expressing their contempt for this country.

And this is no longer the 1970s you grew up in, where there was much more pressure to assimilate, and the sheer volume of immigration was much lower. You grew up in a time when hispanics were 3 to 6% of the U.S. population (in the 1970s and 1980s).
It is not that mexicans are coming here that's the problem.
The problem is, as I said many times, the crime, drugs, imprisonment, their having the largest high-school dropout rate among all immigrant groups, their having the highest ratio of welfare use of all immigrant nationalities, and other highly quantifiable (not paranoid) demographics that can be traced over 4 decades since third-world immigration began, the lowest performing 30% of which is from Mexican immigrants.

Again: please re-read the fuck you above.

However you try to spin the numbers and pretend what's happening actually isn't, those are the cold hard facts. You can choose to mock and ridicule them, but they'll still remain the facts.