I agree with Wonderboy on this issue. If people wish to immigrate to another nation with another language and culture. Then we, the people of the nation they immigrate to are in our full right to expect (and downright demand) that they, as the people who wish to be a part of our nation learn our language, learn our culture to the extent that they at least accept it as the predominant one and don't feel threathened about it.

One the biggest problems with immigrants in Europe at the moment, is that the radical muslims are trying to incorporate the Sharia Law into national european law.

No, it is the immigrants who first and foremost most adapt to the nation, language and culture they immigrate to, and not we who must adapt to them.

Sure, it does go both ways. And I'm sure Wonderboy isn't lying when he says he fully expect immigrants to retain their traditions, religion and costums. But he is most definitely right that immigrants MUST be the first to adapt.

Take my own little backyard, Denmark. The problem here is that immigrants don't WANT to learn our language, they don't WANT to know what being danish means, they don't WANT to accept that Danish law and culture is predominant and that the Sharia Law has NO say whatsoever.

No, again, I'm sure Wonderboy feels the same way I do. If immigrants can't, or won't accept the culture, language and laws they've immigrated to, they can go home.

Racks be to MisterJLA