I never heard of the conservative columnist you quoted, Whomod.

But Fred Barnes and other conservatives have lipped the same arguments you quoted. I see that as the globalist/free-trade/open-borders/cheap labor for corporations wing of the Republican party.

As I pointed out before, I don't have a problem with legal immigration, so long as legal immigrants aren't enablers for illegal immigration. The problem is, many legal immigrants don't respect our laws, and therefore shouldn't be here. Enabling illegal immigration should warrant deportation and/or jail time.

The real key is not allowing as much immigration here as possible, it's fixing the problem that creates the need for mass immigration: passing legislation that is child-friendly, so that Americans here feel less burdened and more inclined to have children at replacement levels (as opposed to negative growth, as it is in the U.S., Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.)

We allow in 1.2 million legal immigrants every year. I've worked with a lot of Brazilians, Colombians, Venezuelans, Argentinians, and Mexicans, in various medical offices, and meet many more in businesses, restaurants and night clubs I frequent. And virtually all of them look favorably on illegal immigration.
In the offices I've worked, I've had three Brazilian women ask me if I'd marry them so they could get papers to stay in the United States. And one Colombian girl I know through an associate suggested I could marry her sister to get her legal status in the United States.
Legal immigration is the ocean in which illegals swim.
It disgusts me how little respect they have for our immigration laws.

Buchanan rightly points out (as in the example of George W. Bush and Karl Rove's attempt to pander to hispanic voters) that no matter how much Republicans pander to hispanic voters by lowering immigration enforcement, hispanics remain loyal Democrats, no matter what.
So Republicans can't buy hispanic voters by turning their backs on illegal immigration. It just doesn't work. (Funny how you approve of this hispanic-pandering lack of enforcement by Bush and Rove, while you rail at everything else they've done)

Further, what you allege about assimilation of children of hispanic immigrants is at best a half-truth I've already dispoven.
Children of hispanics speak fluent english, but are statistically far less likely than other immigrant groups (asians, India, Middle easterners, Africans, Europeans) to graduate high school, and pursue higher education.
Further, as I said, Mexican immigrants favor open borders and dual citizenship with Mexico. So while they may speak english, Mexican immigrants still retain more of a "latino" vs."white" ethnic separatism and pride, that is a move toward balkanization and/or open borders over several decades.
And as I said, hispanic immigrant children are statistically 19 times more likely to join gangs than native-born americans.
And end up in prison.
And end up on welfare.
Until those numbers change for Mexican/central-American immigrants, until those problems are dealt with, I think we should be very selective about who we admit from those regions, and take more immigrants from nations that have proven statistically over 40 years to produce a higher ratio of productive, educated, assimilated immigrants (such as India, China, the Phillipines, South Korea, Canada and Europe)

Frankly, I'd like to see (like Hunter, Tancredo and Buchanan) a double fence along the entire U.S./Mexico border(such as has already been built along the 30 miles of San Diego/Tijuana border, that has been almost 100% effective in eliminating illegals, drugs, and related murders and crime in San Diego, and Tijuana. Unable to cross through San Diego, the've moved these illegal traffics over to the New Mexico border).
The fence is projected to more than pay for itself in the reduced illegals, reduced drugs, reduced crime, and reduced welfare-sponging "anchor babies" that such a fence would prevent.

More broadly, I would like to see a tripling of our border guard and INS, to fully contain illegal immigration. Fully contain the estimated 1 million who successfully enter our country illegally every year, cumulatively estimated to be about 20 million illegals here now.

Then I could live with the 1.2 million who enter our country legally every year. Which is still more immigrants welcomed annually into the U.S. than pretty much the rest of the world's nations combined.

But until we expect immigrants to respect our laws, they increasingly won't.

Last edited by Wonder Boy; 2007-12-06 5:08 PM. Reason: typo corrected