Originally Posted By: WB, addressing Ray

Quote:Morons in the Roman Empire hailed the "open-mindedness" of their leaders for letting in massive waves of immigrants too. Just before the same Vandals and Visigoths pillaged and destroyed their Western Kingdom. How very enlightened of you.

 Originally Posted By: Ray
And yet the world survived. No empire lasts forever. And if you want to blame the downfall of Rome on immigrants then you have to also look at over expansion of the empire, the corruption of the republic, and other reasons.
either way the world changes, people change. Out of Rome came many countries.

America will not last forever. The best thing to do is to not spread hatred and xenophobia. Try getting along with people, try accepting them as having a right to live their lives.

I guess whether it's Soviet Communism, the Red Chinese, Islamofascism, or an invasion of third-world immigrants, you have no problem with premature destruction of U.S. stability and sovereignty. No invasion should be resisted right? It's all just "inevitable change".

As a patriotic U.S. nationalist, I want our nation to last as long as possible. If not for the immigrant invasion that is balkanizing and changing our nation out from under us, offshoring jobs, and giving those left here to lower-wage immigrants, our nation could conceivably continue to last for hundreds of years, if not thousands. What is occurring here, and in europe, through short-sighted immigration policy, is nothing less than the murder of Western Culture.

I have shown this repeatedly with statistics. If the hispanic population was 2% of total U.S. population in the 1970s, 6% in the 1980s, 15% at present, and now projected to be 25% by 2040, and no doubt continuing to climb exponentially from there, how is that irrational "fear"?

Quite the contrary, it is documented fact.

And approaching 50% of total population in many counties.

As I said, I welcome immigrants, who for 200 years have enriched us by assimilating, from wherever they came from. But I am deeply resistent to levels of immigration that amount to invasion.
20 million illegals is not a benign development. Their effect is declining wages, greater loss of sovereignty, as Mexicans in particular as voters advocate welfare and other benefits for illegals, and open borders with Mexico, against the will of a majority of patriotic Americans who think our borders should be protected and tax dollars only given to taxpaying citizens.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Ray just said it would be fine if the US were destroyed....?
