Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Ray has already made clear his notion that anyone who wants to come here should be able to just come here, illegally, undocumented, and be able to work in the United States.
And that he has no problem with that, or any other threat, destroying the United States, because the destruction of the United States is inevitable. (Kevorkian patriotism.)

I've already made it clear that I think only immigrants who come here through legal channels, with U.S. visas, should be permitted to be here. (For which he ad-hominemed me and called me a goose-stepping white-only racist, despite the fact that I clearly said immigrants within limits of what the nation can absorb enrich the country, and despite that I clearly socialize with and enjoy interacting with people of other cultures, so long as they are here legally and respect our laws.)

no, i just think that your delusion of some perfect unchanging American culture is dumb. America is constantly changing, and has many differences between regions in terms of culture and history. I think Mexicans in America will be changed way more than they'll change us. Look at the Irish, the Chinese, the Italians. They all have specific ethnic cultures that they hold onto that becomes adapted into the overall culture of America. wondy, you make the same arguments made against all those groups at various times in our history, yet here we are still a strong country. and even stronger because of those unique additions to our "English foundation."

Bow ties are coool.