Originally Posted By: whomod
When we got lost on that German tangent a while back I was struck by the fact that the Germans did just what Wonder Boy fears the Mexicans are doing, destroying American culture.

What today, is considered more quintessentially American than Hamburgers and hot dogs?

And they're both German. Thank the large influx of German immigration for your slice of Americana, Wonder Boy. I dunoo.. I'm outraged and scared that America has been forever altered by those dirty Krauts! They've destroyed the REAL America forever!!!!! *

And in it's place inserted dirty Kraut food and even made our kids attend their shamelessly foreign "Kindergarten" thus indoctrinating our Children with their language and destroying America's true heritage forever!!!! *

Apple Pie? Immigrants.

Does Wonder Boy fear the day when Tacos, burritos, and Enchiladas will be the quintessential American dishes? When little girls will want a Quinceanera instead of a sweet 16 party? In Compton where I work, I hear black girls use that word all the time now. It's becoming mainstream even among non Latino's!!!

I think WB believes he can stop time and keep America in the wasp 50's forever where immigrants were 'assimilated' thru racism and forced to feel shame and dissaproval if they displayed any hint of their ethnicity and women and minorities knew their place.

It's just sad that Wonder Boy thinks America was created in some vacuum or descended from the WASP god himself and is a static unchanging constant.

* "kraut" being the common slur used for Nazi's I've read in comics code approved comic books. Since I'm sure WB will most likely go off for 2 paragraphs of how I've revealed my racism towards German's, I think i'll put this disclaimer asserting that I could give a rats ass about German's.

Or is the fact that the German's fundamentally altered what was mainstream Americanism back then not matter so much as if Latino's (possibly) do the same thing ?