Whomod, there's a big difference between Italian pizza, Chinese food, Polish sausage and German saurkraut, along with a few other colloquialisms and traditions. Germans, Irish, Italians, and others who have fully assimilated and were encouraged to, with common-sense policies that insured assimilation.

As contrasted with pushing to make the U.S. a bilingual nation, having all these minority groups talking about "reparations" for past sins, and putting U.S. workers in direct competition with legal and illegal third-world immigrants, while offshoring millions more jobs.

As Buchanan points out, we have never had the same number of immigrants (both illegal and legal) that we are having now.
The legal Mexican immigrants alone over the last 40 years exceed all the German and Irish immigrants who came here in the previous 400 years.

We have also never had the liberal "multicultural" attitude that discourages assimilation and promotes hostility toward European culture and traditions, as we have now.

There are subcultures here where people can live in a self-contained Mexican, Brazilian, Haitian, or even Czech bubbles within the United States, and go on 20 years, 30 years, or even a lifetime without learning English.

They all have radio and TV stations broadcasting in their native language. When the number of spanish channels approaches 50%, when the hispanic population and culture approaches 50%, I find that both reaching an invasion level, and of great concern.

More than that, they are nationalist for their home countries inside the United States, waving Mexican, Colombian, Venezuelan, and Brazilian flags inside the United States. I drive down federal Highway in Pompano Beach and Deerfield, and I could swear I was in Brazil, from the flags I see in front of every business.

The other groups it bothers me less, but Mexicans account for 30% of all U.S. immigration, and have the highest ratio of high school drop-outs, gang members, welfare, prison inmates, and in general, open contempt for the United States. They believe the U.S. southwest (which the U.S. won in a war with Mexico in 1848, a war that Mexico started) as stolen from them, and that they are "taking it back". An attitude Vicente Fox and many other Mexican government officials eagerly promote. As does the Mecha-member mayor of Los Angeles, Mr Villagiarossa.
This is far from being a "paranoid right-wing conspiracy theory", it is an open Mexican conspiracy, from the highest levels of the Mexican government, and treasonous hispanic liberals inside the United States.

I already explained that Mexico openly encourages its poor to illegally cross into the United States. More than that, there are government offices all over Mexico that hand out maps to Mexicans, telling them the best places to illegally cross, where to find water, and how to apply for welfare benefits once they enter the U.S.
We should not admit one more immigrant from Mexico until this openly hostile action toward the United States is ended.

In addition, Mexico will not extradite criminal Mexicans who have committed crimes back to the United States, so that over 85% of the outstanding murder warrants in Los Angeles are for Mexican thugs who are now hiding back in Mexico after committing their crimes in the U.S.
In addition, 75% of the gang members in L.A. are Mexican illegals. Who cannot be touched, because "sanctuary city" status in L.A. makes it a criminal offense for L.A. police to question illegals about their immigration status, and makes it a criminal offense for police or any other city employees to report them to INS for arrest or deportation.

And 10% of the U.S. annual births are now "anchor babies" of Mexican women who purposefully crossed illegally into the U.S., so their children would be entitled to U.S. citizenship at birth. And who create a path toward citizenship for their parents and extended families, along with a lifetime of tax-paid welfare benefits.

There are problems regarding birth rates, education, and economics that our nation would solve, if it were forced to deal with them, rather than utilizing a band-aid approach of importing about 4 or 5 times the number of immigrants that even liberal John F. Kennedy considered healthy for the nation (and 20 million more illegals).