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 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
wondy, how much time do you waste in your day thinking about all the little things you fear? seems like a waste of time to live in fear of different cultures somehow polluting your view of a white man's utopia.
And Pat Buchanan and Anne Coulter are idiots. Just because you like them doesn't mean you can "prove" your point by quoting them.
It only proves that you're not the only moron in the world.

1) I don't "live in fear", I advocate a reasonable immigration policy, since we clearly do have an undeniable immigration problem, with illegals now estimated at 20 million here. Only to someone as unpatriotic as you, and America- hating at your core could that be considered "fear". Like the housing foreclosure crisis or 9-11 terrorism, it's a de-stabilizing crisis that has to be dealt with.

2) I'll leave the "white racist utopia" to you, since that's clearly something I never advocated. I only said that those who immigrate here, of any race, should learn the language and assimilate into our culture as fellow Americans, regardless of race. And that liberal "multiculturalism" is breaking down a system that has worked well for 200 years.

3) Saying Pat Buchanan and Ann Coulter are "idiots" doesn't make them idiots. Their facts are quoted from other sources, and I didn't even quote them this time out, I quoted the L.A. Times, Fox News, the Center For Immigration Studies, and other sources.

And finally, calling someone a moron as you did, without any facts no less, only proves that you're a moron. You live in irrational fear of all things conservative, and have to demonize any ideas that fall outside your fragile bubble of liberal preconceptions. But the facts are as I've stated them.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

1) I don't "live in fear", I advocate a reasonable immigration policy, since we clearly do have an undeniable immigration policy, with illegals now estimated at 20 million here. Only to someone as unpatriotic as you, and America- hating at your core could that be considered "fear". Like the housing foreclosure crisis or 9-11 terrorism, it's a de-stabilizing crisis that has to be dealt with.

you very clearly live in fear. your posts show a manchild who is afraid of women, minorities, and anything outside your safety zone.
what you're talking about is people who want to live here to have a better life. while here they work menial jobs and contribute their pay to our economy.

2) I'll leave the "white racist utopia" to you, since that's clearly something I never advocated. I only said that those who immigrate here, of any race, should learn the language and assimilate into our culture as fellow Americans, regardless of race. And that liberal "multiculturalism" is breaking down a system that has worked well for 200 years.

except for the time you said the "white population" was being overrun.
regardless, America never has and never will be a single culture. it has always been unique and peppered with various cultures. it is what makes us unique and interesting as a country. places change over time. are you crying about the loss of those classic American drive-ins like you are about the new taqueria on the corner?

3) Saying Pat Buchanan and Ann Coulter are "idiots" doesn't make them idiots. Their facts are quoted from other sources, and I didn't even quote them this time out, I quoted the L.A. Times, Fox News, the Center For Immigration Studies, and other sources.

they're racist, hatemongers who get money from riling up scared insecure people like yourself.

And finally, calling someone a moron as you did, without any facts no less, only proves that you're a moron. You live in irrational fear of all things conservative, and have to demonize any ideas that fall outside your fragile bubble of liberal preconceptions. But the facts are as I've stated them.

oh, no. i demonize racism. gee whiz, i should be more tolerant of people who hate other races, because that's a real valid viewpoint.

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 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

1) I don't "live in fear", I advocate a reasonable immigration policy, since we clearly do have an undeniable immigration [problem], with illegals now estimated at 20 million here. Only to someone as unpatriotic as you, and America- hating at your core could that be considered "fear". Like the housing foreclosure crisis or 9-11 terrorism, it's a de-stabilizing crisis that has to be dealt with.

you very clearly live in fear. your posts show a manchild who is afraid of women, minorities, and anything outside your safety zone.
what you're talking about is people who want to live here to have a better life. while here they work menial jobs and contribute their pay to our economy.

Ray, your posts show a pathological hatred of whoever doesn't believe exactly what you do. You have a pathological need to baselessly slander me or anyone else who deviates from your fanatical ideas.

You are the definition of an arrogant spoiled child, in desperate need of discipline. The level of spitefulness you display is way beyond how a balanced person would react.

And the "people who just want to come here and work" are here illegally !
If they "just wanted to come here and work", they would have gone through the proper channels and applied for a visa before coming here.

But since 1 in 12 of them caught by border security is a criminal, that speaks for itself of the true situation, despite your slanderous lies.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

2) I'll leave the "white racist utopia" to you, since that's clearly something I never advocated. I only said that those who immigrate here, of any race, should learn the language and assimilate into our culture as fellow Americans, regardless of race. And that liberal "multiculturalism" is breaking down a system that has worked well for 200 years.

except for the time you said the "white population" was being overrun.
regardless, America never has and never will be a single culture. it has always been unique and peppered with various cultures. it is what makes us unique and interesting as a country. places change over time. are you crying about the loss of those classic American drive-ins like you are about the new taqueria on the corner?

As I've said many times, a ratio of foreign influence, as was the case with past immigrant waves, is vastly different from the uncontrolled foreign invasion that is occurring now.

And I described whites fleeing California along with middle/upper-class blacks as well both of whom are alienated by the uncontrolled hispanic immigration into California, and the gangs, crime, decreasing wages, and increasing taxpayer dollars spent on services to people who aren't even U.S. citizens.
Californians voted, including a percentage of more patriotic California hispanics, for Proposition 187, to end these benefits to illegals, and were usurped by a liberal judge.
You constantly try to spin demographics where I so much as mention whites, to slander me as some kind of white-only racist. That is pure slander on your part, and in complete contradiction to what I've consistently said.

Whereas your prejudicial hatred is clearly on display.

 Originally Posted By: Ray

3) Saying Pat Buchanan and Ann Coulter are "idiots" doesn't make them idiots. Their facts are quoted from other sources, and I didn't even quote them this time out, I quoted the L.A. Times, Fox News, the Center For Immigration Studies, and other sources.

they're racist, hatemongers who get money from riling up scared insecure people like yourself.

The L.A. Times?
Fox News?
The Center For IMmigration Studies ?
Vdare ?
Worldnet Daily ?

Yeah, right.
Anyone who disagrees with you is a white-only racist who hates minorities. Anyone who reports facts you don't like.


 Originally Posted By: Ray

And finally, calling someone a moron as you did, without any facts no less, only proves that you're a moron. You live in irrational fear of all things conservative, and have to demonize any ideas that fall outside your fragile bubble of liberal preconceptions. But the facts are as I've stated them.

oh, no. i demonize racism. gee whiz, i should be more tolerant of people who hate other races, because that's a real valid viewpoint.

No, you falsely accuse anyone who views the facts differently than you do, who advocates equality without racial quotas, who advocates a unified America in which everyone assimilates to a unified english-speaking American culture (instead of a balkanized liberal culture that is becoming a babel of different languages and cultures, that Democrats can rally against white America's alleged sins, to exploit the fear of minorities to consistently get bloc votes).
I advocate a system where we have true unity and stop the blame game.

You advocate demonizing conservatives and blaming them for problems that liberal policies have caused: expanded welfare, forced busing, racial quotas, race-baiting, and out-of-control immigration. Pointing out that there are 20 million illegals in the U.S. is not "racism", it's addressing a serious problem to the economy, unity and sovereignty of the United States.

Morons in the Roman Empire hailed the "open-mindedness" of their leaders for letting in massive waves of immigrants too. Just before the same Vandals and Visigoths pillaged and destroyed their Western Kingdom. How very enlightened of you.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Ray, your posts show a pathological hatred of whoever doesn't believe exactly what you do. You have a pathological need to baselessly slander me or anyone else who deviates from your fanatical ideas.

You are the definition of an arrogant spoiled child, in desperate need of discipline. The level of spitefulness you display is way beyond how a balanced person would react.

the guy who blames liberals for everything under the sun and feminism for the downfall of society (your words) saying that is funny.
and i can accept different views, unless those views are born from hatred and fear. at that point they're irrational. should i not put down a racist because he has another point of view?

And the "people who just want to come here and work" are here illegally !
If they "just wanted to come here and work", they would have gone through the proper channels and applied for a visa before coming here.

because they're impoverished and the idea of filling out all those forms and waiting years in poverty to get approval might seem impossible to them.

But since 1 in 12 of them caught by border security is a criminal, that speaks for itself of the true situation, despite your slanderous lies.

there are plenty of American criminals too so your statistics on that are irelevent.

 Originally Posted By: wondy

As I've said many times, a ratio of foreign influence, as was the case with past immigrant waves, is vastly different from the uncontrolled foreign invasion that is occurring now.

more xenophobia. America is based on many cultures. It's whole origins are that of different cultures living together.

And I described whites fleeing California along with middle/upper-class blacks as well both of whom are alienated by the uncontrolled hispanic immigration into California, and the gangs, crime, decreasing wages, and increasing taxpayer dollars spent on services to people who aren't even U.S. citizens.

no, you said "white population." Ialready dug up the quote a few weeks back. you said white population. only when confronted did you add blacks to it.

Californians voted, including a percentage of more patriotic California hispanics, for Proposition 187, to end these benefits to illegals, and were usurped by a liberal judge.

the role of a judge is sometimes to overturn laws that are unconstitutional.
that's not "liberal evil" that's the foundation of the American system of justice.

You constantly try to spin demographics where I so much as mention whites, to slander me as some kind of white-only racist. That is pure slander on your part, and in complete contradiction to what I've consistently said.

i'm not the only one who sees you as a racist. in fact no one really supports your views completely on this. even the conservatives here shy away from supporting you. you have shown that you accept small numbers of minorities as long as they act and think just like you.

Whereas your prejudicial hatred is clearly on display.

yes i hate racism, sexism, and xenophobic people afraid of change in the world.

 Originally Posted By: wondy

The L.A. Times?
Fox News?
The Center For IMmigration Studies ?
Vdare ?
Worldnet Daily ?

some give statistics that you interpret and some (like Fox News) make their money getting people riled up.

Yeah, right.
Anyone who disagrees with you is a white-only racist who hates minorities. Anyone who reports facts you don't like.

anyone who disagrees that people of different races and cultures can live together, anyone who is terrified of strangers moving in, anyone who calls a bunch of mexicans who come and look for jobs as janitors an "invasion" is a racist.

No, you falsely accuse anyone who views the facts differently than you do, who advocates equality without racial quotas, who advocates a unified America in which everyone assimilates to a unified english-speaking American culture (instead of a balkanized liberal culture that is becoming a babel of different languages and cultures, that Democrats can rally against white America's alleged sins, to exploit the fear of minorities to consistently get bloc votes).
I advocate a system where we have true unity and stop the blame game.

blame game? you're still using that Fox News/Bush buzz phrase, huh?
America will be english-speaking for as long as it lasts. Empires rise and fall. America is not made up of one race or creed, it never has been. There really isn't even one form of english spoken here. We have regional dialects and cultures. Stop living in fear of something different. The world changes and the best change would come through living alongside newcomers. racial tensions are caused by people like you. If you have some mexicans at work and you act hostile towards their differences they will pick up on that and be encouraged to stick with others of their race. but if you dropped the hostility and dropped the idea that we all have to be perfectly alike and just treated them like people you would get more of the results you want. people like you are creating this cultural divide by making Americans seem like racist fucks.

You advocate demonizing conservatives and blaming them for problems that liberal policies have caused: expanded welfare, forced busing, racial quotas, race-baiting, and out-of-control immigration. Pointing out that there are 20 million illegals in the U.S. is not "racism", it's addressing a serious problem to the economy, unity and sovereignty of the United States.

Pointing out a statistic to back up a racist point is racism. It's like pointing out the number of black people arrested to make the point that black people are criminals is racism.

Morons in the Roman Empire hailed the "open-mindedness" of their leaders for letting in massive waves of immigrants too. Just before the same Vandals and Visigoths pillaged and destroyed their Western Kingdom. How very enlightened of you.

And yet the world survived. No empire lasts forever. And if you want to blame the downfall of Rome on immigrants then you have to also look at over expansion of the empire, the corruption of the republic, and other reasons.
either way the world changes, people change. Out of Rome came many countries. America will not last forever. The best thing to do is to not spread hatred and xenophobia. Try getting along with people, try accepting them as having a right to live their lives.
And even if you were right that this is a threat to America, there are much bigger threats. Why don't you bemoan the christian right for dividing America and demonizing everyone in the population who is liberal? And if liberalism is so evil, why do you watch movies or any media since pretty much all art is by liberals? why aren't you harsher on Reagan and Bush for funding bin Laden and Hussein and creating hatred and contempt for America on a global scale? why don't you attack fast food for shortening American lifespans and lowering health overall? why don't you attack the majority of christianity which has become more about hatred and fear than love and acceptance?
seems to me that you pick the things to be angry about that allow you to feel superior, to feel safe and comforted by living in fear and hatred. because as long as you have some foreign invader, the shit in your life has an explanation. and you have something external to blame instead of actually working to improve yourself or your community.

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Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Ray just said it would be fine if the US were destroyed....?

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 Originally Posted By: Wonderboy made the compelling argument
I don't "live in fear",

You do however live in denial, since that's all your rebuttals ever come down to. And since denial is a reaction to fear...

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Ray just said it would be fine if the US were destroyed....?

no, i said it that historically no country lasts forever. wondy is painting this as some invasion but it's just a shift in ethnicity and cultures. that happens. and he was talking about the fall of Rome and I was pointing out that all empires have their time and then fall from grace. It's not due to immigrants, it's due to many factors and the passage of time.
look at southern california. it went from desert, to lots of orange groves, to disney/hollywood. all within 150 years. look at America as a whole. can you really say we're the same country that was founded in the 1770's, or the same country that was settled by wagon trains, or the same country we were before the railroad or before the highways or before the internet?

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 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Ray just said it would be fine if the US were destroyed....?

no, i said it that historically no country lasts forever. wondy is painting this as some invasion but it's just a shift in ethnicity and cultures. that happens. and he was talking about the fall of Rome and I was pointing out that all empires have their time and then fall from grace. It's not due to immigrants, it's due to many factors and the passage of time.
look at southern california. it went from desert, to lots of orange groves, to disney/hollywood. all within 150 years. look at America as a whole. can you really say we're the same country that was founded in the 1770's, or the same country that was settled by wagon trains, or the same country we were before the railroad or before the highways or before the internet?

There isn't anything in your last lengthy line-by-line slanderfest that I feel a need to respond to. You're just repeating the same ad-hominem attacks you've been using for months. I've already answered that garbage, your repeating the same slanderous assumptions doesn't make them any more true.

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 Originally Posted By: WB, addressing Ray

Quote:Morons in the Roman Empire hailed the "open-mindedness" of their leaders for letting in massive waves of immigrants too. Just before the same Vandals and Visigoths pillaged and destroyed their Western Kingdom. How very enlightened of you.

 Originally Posted By: Ray
And yet the world survived. No empire lasts forever. And if you want to blame the downfall of Rome on immigrants then you have to also look at over expansion of the empire, the corruption of the republic, and other reasons.
either way the world changes, people change. Out of Rome came many countries.

America will not last forever. The best thing to do is to not spread hatred and xenophobia. Try getting along with people, try accepting them as having a right to live their lives.

I guess whether it's Soviet Communism, the Red Chinese, Islamofascism, or an invasion of third-world immigrants, you have no problem with premature destruction of U.S. stability and sovereignty. No invasion should be resisted right? It's all just "inevitable change".

As a patriotic U.S. nationalist, I want our nation to last as long as possible. If not for the immigrant invasion that is balkanizing and changing our nation out from under us, offshoring jobs, and giving those left here to lower-wage immigrants, our nation could conceivably continue to last for hundreds of years, if not thousands. What is occurring here, and in europe, through short-sighted immigration policy, is nothing less than the murder of Western Culture.

I have shown this repeatedly with statistics. If the hispanic population was 2% of total U.S. population in the 1970s, 6% in the 1980s, 15% at present, and now projected to be 25% by 2040, and no doubt continuing to climb exponentially from there, how is that irrational "fear"?

Quite the contrary, it is documented fact.

And approaching 50% of total population in many counties.

As I said, I welcome immigrants, who for 200 years have enriched us by assimilating, from wherever they came from. But I am deeply resistent to levels of immigration that amount to invasion.
20 million illegals is not a benign development. Their effect is declining wages, greater loss of sovereignty, as Mexicans in particular as voters advocate welfare and other benefits for illegals, and open borders with Mexico, against the will of a majority of patriotic Americans who think our borders should be protected and tax dollars only given to taxpaying citizens.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Ray just said it would be fine if the US were destroyed....?


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 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
....he was talking about the fall of Rome and I was pointing out that all empires have their time and then fall from grace. It's not due to immigrants, it's due to many factors and the passage of time.

I assume that WB pointed out the theory that the rise of unassimilated immigrants was, in fact, a major contributing factor to the fall of Rome.

That being said, I agree with you that we shouldn't expect a culture to remain static. There's nothing wrong with certain new influences. The problem is when those new influences eschew what's good about the existing culture and/or otherwise create a threat to what's positive about a culture.

Not to beat a dead horse, or make the same arguments on this thread ad nauseaum, but I don't think anyone, including WB, is arguing that all immigration is bad just that there should be some limits.

The question then becomes what should the limits be. I assume that you agree that there should be some limiting factors, but I could be wrong. You might believe in a completely open border. If that's so, that's fine. But I don't think that those who believe in limits are necessary doing so out of ill will or racism.

So, rather than continue this whole "Ray/whomod/halo hates America" and "WB is a racist" debate, which has gone on for more pages than I care to think about (or, for that matter, even care about), might I suggest we try discussing what, if any limits, we think are appropriate and why?

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Ray has already made clear his notion that anyone who wants to come here should be able to just come here, illegally, undocumented, and be able to work in the United States.
And that he has no problem with that, or any other threat, destroying the United States, because the destruction of the United States is inevitable. (Kevorkian patriotism.)

I've already made it clear that I think only immigrants who come here through legal channels, with U.S. visas, should be permitted to be here. (For which he ad-hominemed me and called me a goose-stepping white-only racist, despite the fact that I clearly said immigrants within limits of what the nation can absorb enrich the country, and despite that I clearly socialize with and enjoy interacting with people of other cultures, so long as they are here legally and respect our laws.)

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
....he was talking about the fall of Rome and I was pointing out that all empires have their time and then fall from grace. It's not due to immigrants, it's due to many factors and the passage of time.

I assume that WB pointed out the theory that the rise of unassimilated immigrants was, in fact, a major contributing factor to the fall of Rome.

That being said, I agree with you that we shouldn't expect a culture to remain static. There's nothing wrong with certain new influences. The problem is when those new influences eschew what's good about the existing culture and/or otherwise create a threat to what's positive about a culture.

Not to beat a dead horse, or make the same arguments on this thread ad nauseaum, but I don't think anyone, including WB, is arguing that all immigration is bad just that there should be some limits.

The question then becomes what should the limits be. I assume that you agree that there should be some limiting factors, but I could be wrong. You might believe in a completely open border. If that's so, that's fine. But I don't think that those who believe in limits are necessary doing so out of ill will or racism.

So, rather than continue this whole "Ray/whomod/halo hates America" and "WB is a racist" debate, which has gone on for more pages than I care to think about (or, for that matter, even care about), might I suggest we try discussing what, if any limits, we think are appropriate and why?

i think a good solution is actually bringing more immigrants into the system. at this point so many have to stay illegal that they can tell people back home that America is great as long as you don't get caught. but if they had to deal with all the hassles that citizens go through. I think one letter to Mexico about w2 forms and the DMV might discourage the large numbers.
they could also pass a law that any country that wants to outsource has to do so in North America. Then they make sure Mexico passes labor laws enough to get fair pay there.
That would discourage mass immigration since they'd have jobs and outsourcing (which i think is horrible) would at least be a help to us and our neighbors instead of paying people in India. Also that would have the side effect more Mexicans learning English (which wondy would like).

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Ray has already made clear his notion that anyone who wants to come here should be able to just come here, illegally, undocumented, and be able to work in the United States.
And that he has no problem with that, or any other threat, destroying the United States, because the destruction of the United States is inevitable. (Kevorkian patriotism.)

I've already made it clear that I think only immigrants who come here through legal channels, with U.S. visas, should be permitted to be here. (For which he ad-hominemed me and called me a goose-stepping white-only racist, despite the fact that I clearly said immigrants within limits of what the nation can absorb enrich the country, and despite that I clearly socialize with and enjoy interacting with people of other cultures, so long as they are here legally and respect our laws.)

no, i just think that your delusion of some perfect unchanging American culture is dumb. America is constantly changing, and has many differences between regions in terms of culture and history. I think Mexicans in America will be changed way more than they'll change us. Look at the Irish, the Chinese, the Italians. They all have specific ethnic cultures that they hold onto that becomes adapted into the overall culture of America. wondy, you make the same arguments made against all those groups at various times in our history, yet here we are still a strong country. and even stronger because of those unique additions to our "English foundation."

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 Originally Posted By: whomod
When we got lost on that German tangent a while back I was struck by the fact that the Germans did just what Wonder Boy fears the Mexicans are doing, destroying American culture.

What today, is considered more quintessentially American than Hamburgers and hot dogs?

And they're both German. Thank the large influx of German immigration for your slice of Americana, Wonder Boy. I dunoo.. I'm outraged and scared that America has been forever altered by those dirty Krauts! They've destroyed the REAL America forever!!!!! *

And in it's place inserted dirty Kraut food and even made our kids attend their shamelessly foreign "Kindergarten" thus indoctrinating our Children with their language and destroying America's true heritage forever!!!! *

Apple Pie? Immigrants.

Does Wonder Boy fear the day when Tacos, burritos, and Enchiladas will be the quintessential American dishes? When little girls will want a Quinceanera instead of a sweet 16 party? In Compton where I work, I hear black girls use that word all the time now. It's becoming mainstream even among non Latino's!!!

I think WB believes he can stop time and keep America in the wasp 50's forever where immigrants were 'assimilated' thru racism and forced to feel shame and dissaproval if they displayed any hint of their ethnicity and women and minorities knew their place.

It's just sad that Wonder Boy thinks America was created in some vacuum or descended from the WASP god himself and is a static unchanging constant.

* "kraut" being the common slur used for Nazi's I've read in comics code approved comic books. Since I'm sure WB will most likely go off for 2 paragraphs of how I've revealed my racism towards German's, I think i'll put this disclaimer asserting that I could give a rats ass about German's.

Or is the fact that the German's fundamentally altered what was mainstream Americanism back then not matter so much as if Latino's (possibly) do the same thing ?

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Whomod, there's a big difference between Italian pizza, Chinese food, Polish sausage and German saurkraut, along with a few other colloquialisms and traditions. Germans, Irish, Italians, and others who have fully assimilated and were encouraged to, with common-sense policies that insured assimilation.

As contrasted with pushing to make the U.S. a bilingual nation, having all these minority groups talking about "reparations" for past sins, and putting U.S. workers in direct competition with legal and illegal third-world immigrants, while offshoring millions more jobs.

As Buchanan points out, we have never had the same number of immigrants (both illegal and legal) that we are having now.
The legal Mexican immigrants alone over the last 40 years exceed all the German and Irish immigrants who came here in the previous 400 years.

We have also never had the liberal "multicultural" attitude that discourages assimilation and promotes hostility toward European culture and traditions, as we have now.

There are subcultures here where people can live in a self-contained Mexican, Brazilian, Haitian, or even Czech bubbles within the United States, and go on 20 years, 30 years, or even a lifetime without learning English.

They all have radio and TV stations broadcasting in their native language. When the number of spanish channels approaches 50%, when the hispanic population and culture approaches 50%, I find that both reaching an invasion level, and of great concern.

More than that, they are nationalist for their home countries inside the United States, waving Mexican, Colombian, Venezuelan, and Brazilian flags inside the United States. I drive down federal Highway in Pompano Beach and Deerfield, and I could swear I was in Brazil, from the flags I see in front of every business.

The other groups it bothers me less, but Mexicans account for 30% of all U.S. immigration, and have the highest ratio of high school drop-outs, gang members, welfare, prison inmates, and in general, open contempt for the United States. They believe the U.S. southwest (which the U.S. won in a war with Mexico in 1848, a war that Mexico started) as stolen from them, and that they are "taking it back". An attitude Vicente Fox and many other Mexican government officials eagerly promote. As does the Mecha-member mayor of Los Angeles, Mr Villagiarossa.
This is far from being a "paranoid right-wing conspiracy theory", it is an open Mexican conspiracy, from the highest levels of the Mexican government, and treasonous hispanic liberals inside the United States.

I already explained that Mexico openly encourages its poor to illegally cross into the United States. More than that, there are government offices all over Mexico that hand out maps to Mexicans, telling them the best places to illegally cross, where to find water, and how to apply for welfare benefits once they enter the U.S.
We should not admit one more immigrant from Mexico until this openly hostile action toward the United States is ended.

In addition, Mexico will not extradite criminal Mexicans who have committed crimes back to the United States, so that over 85% of the outstanding murder warrants in Los Angeles are for Mexican thugs who are now hiding back in Mexico after committing their crimes in the U.S.
In addition, 75% of the gang members in L.A. are Mexican illegals. Who cannot be touched, because "sanctuary city" status in L.A. makes it a criminal offense for L.A. police to question illegals about their immigration status, and makes it a criminal offense for police or any other city employees to report them to INS for arrest or deportation.

And 10% of the U.S. annual births are now "anchor babies" of Mexican women who purposefully crossed illegally into the U.S., so their children would be entitled to U.S. citizenship at birth. And who create a path toward citizenship for their parents and extended families, along with a lifetime of tax-paid welfare benefits.

There are problems regarding birth rates, education, and economics that our nation would solve, if it were forced to deal with them, rather than utilizing a band-aid approach of importing about 4 or 5 times the number of immigrants that even liberal John F. Kennedy considered healthy for the nation (and 20 million more illegals).

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the things you are saying are the same exact fears held by people against the irish, italians, jews, blacks, chinese and other such groups at one point or another in history.
america today is the result of different cultures. there have always been people like you who throw up a big fit but in the end the new infusion of other cultures often yields positive results. or at the very least it never destroys an entire culture and replaces it outright.
that just doesn't happen. all cultures shift over time. as i've said america has changed more in the last 230 years due to technologies rather than immigration.

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We're all equally human. The traditions G-man and Wondy cling are superficial at best and no reason to demonize Mexicans.

Oh, and the biggest reason the Roman empire fell was because of self indulgance. Something we're currently repeating and is far more likely to bring us down.

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I'm still trying to re-cache a deleted reply to Halo, but this stands out:

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
the things you are saying are the same exact fears held by people against the irish, italians, jews, blacks, chinese and other such groups at one point or another in history.
america today is the result of different cultures. there have always been people like you who throw up a big fit but in the end the new infusion of other cultures often yields positive results. or at the very least it never destroys an entire culture and replaces it outright.
that just doesn't happen. all cultures shift over time. as i've said america has changed more in the last 230 years due to technologies rather than immigration.

You keep mentioning the benignity of change based on the mere presence of diversity. How exactly are culturally ethnic shifts positive effects by proxy--Especially considering the source of these ethnicities inspiring said shifts? The reason most of them come here is because that very culture they're bringing with them is what's degenerated their previous lives. It seems slippery slope to say the paradigm switch they cause is going to be a good one.

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I'm still trying to re-cache a deleted reply to Halo, but this stands out:

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
the things you are saying are the same exact fears held by people against the irish, italians, jews, blacks, chinese and other such groups at one point or another in history.
america today is the result of different cultures. there have always been people like you who throw up a big fit but in the end the new infusion of other cultures often yields positive results. or at the very least it never destroys an entire culture and replaces it outright.
that just doesn't happen. all cultures shift over time. as i've said america has changed more in the last 230 years due to technologies rather than immigration.

You keep mentioning the benignity of change based on the mere presence of diversity. How exactly are culturally ethnic shifts positive effects by proxy--Especially considering the source of these ethnicities inspiring said shifts? The reason most of them come here is because that very culture they're bringing with them is what's degenerated their previous lives. It seems slippery slope to say the paradigm switch they cause is going to be a good one.

I think the idea is that two heads are better then one. The more diversity, the more points of view, the greater the chance of being a wise and tolerant society.

I see what you're saying Pariah but it works both ways. To me what seems like a slippery slope is the notion that people are somehow poisoned by their society to the point they'll never be a productive member of society let alone a good person.

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 Originally Posted By: Halo82

I think the idea is that two heads are better then one. The more diversity, the more points of view, the greater the chance of being a wise and tolerant society.

I see what you're saying Pariah but it works both ways. To me what seems like a slippery slope is the notion that people are somehow poisoned by their society to the point they'll never be a productive member of society let alone a good person.

My counter-response:
  • Kosovo, overtaken by muslim ethnic Albanians.

Before we entered on the wrong side in that war, ethnic Albanians were burning Eastern Orthodox churches. Thanks to the media, we only heard about the reprisals of Serbians against muslim ethnic-Albanian Kosovars. But the church-burnings are what started it.

Add to that a few more examples:
  • Armenia/Azerbaijan







All these groups have been killing each others for hundreds of years. Why should we invite Mexicans, of all immigrant groups, in mass numbers to colonize our nation ? (separatist/nationalist Mexicans, who are patriotic to Mexico and have a contempt for the United States and its laws, who statistically assimilate worse than any other immigrant group, and whose nation's highest leaders, Vicente Fox on down, openly conspire against the United States to take back the U.S. Southwest through Mexican immigration, both legal and illegal. And who persistently drain from the U.S. with a high ratio of illiterate high-school drop-outs, crime, drug trafficking, welfare use, gang activity, and imprisonment, across 40 years of annual statistics.)

"Diversity" that includes large numbers of immigrants from a nation that are statistically assimilating the worst, a nation that is openly plotting to seize territory from the United States, is not beneficial to the United States.

It is national suicide.

People from nations that consistently assimilate well into the United States should be welcome.
People from nations who persistently become welfare recipients, criminals, gang members and whose governments are openly plotting against the United States, should be chosen very selectively.

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I agree. You should kill yourself now.

Why be a follower? Be a man, be a leader!

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah Carey
Up my own ass

Yeah. Up your own ass.

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Doesn't change the fact you should kill yourself and save someone else the trouble.

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 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I assume that WB pointed out the theory that the rise of unassimilated immigrants was, in fact, a major contributing factor to the fall of Rome.

That being said, I agree with you that we shouldn't expect a culture to remain static. There's nothing wrong with certain new influences. The problem is when those new influences eschew what's good about the existing culture and/or otherwise create a threat to what's positive about a culture.

Not to beat a dead horse, or make the same arguments on this thread ad nauseaum, but I don't think anyone, including WB, is arguing that all immigration is bad just that there should be some limits.

The question then becomes what should the limits be. I assume that you agree that there should be some limiting factors, but I could be wrong. You might believe in a completely open border. If that's so, that's fine. But I don't think that those who believe in limits are necessary doing so out of ill will or racism.

So, rather than continue this whole "Ray/whomod/halo hates America" and "WB is a racist" debate, which has gone on for more pages than I care to think about (or, for that matter, even care about), might I suggest we try discussing what, if any limits, we think are appropriate and why?

i think a good solution is actually bringing more immigrants into the system. at this point so many have to stay illegal that they can tell people back home that America is great as long as you don't get caught. but if they had to deal with all the hassles that citizens go through. I think one letter to Mexico about w2 forms and the DMV might discourage the large numbers.
they could also pass a law that any country that wants to outsource has to do so in North America. Then they make sure Mexico passes labor laws enough to get fair pay there.
That would discourage mass immigration since they'd have jobs and outsourcing (which i think is horrible) would at least be a help to us and our neighbors instead of paying people in India. Also that would have the side effect more Mexicans learning English (which wondy would like).

  • The Costs of Illegal Immigration
    Illegals Cost Feds $10 Billion a Year; Amnesty Would Nearly Triple Cost to 29 Billion

    WASHINGTON (August 25, 2004) — A new study from the Center for Immigration Studies is one of the first to estimate the impact of illegal immigration on the federal budget. Based on Census Bureau data, the study estimates that households headed by illegal aliens used $10 billion more in government services than they paid in taxes in 2002.
    These figures are only for the federal government; costs at the state and local level are also likely to be significant. The study also finds that if illegals were given amnesty, the fiscal deficit at the federal level would grow to nearly $29 billion.

    Among the findings:

    Illegal alien households are estimated to use $2,700 a year more in services than they pay in taxes, creating a total fiscal burden of nearly $10.4 billion on the federal budget in 2002.

    Among the largest federal costs: Medicaid ($2.5 billion); treatment for the uninsured ($2.2 billion); food assistance programs ($1.9 billion); the federal prison and court systems ($1.6 billion); and federal aid to schools ($1.4 billion).

    If illegal aliens were legalized and began to pay taxes and use services like legal immigrants with the same education levels, the estimated annual fiscal deficit at the federal level would increase from $2,700 per household to nearly $7,700, for a total federal deficit of $29 billion.

    With nearly two-third of illegals lacking a high school diploma, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments — not their legal status or their unwillingness to work.

    Amnesty increases costs because illegals would still be largely unskilled, and thus their tax payments would continue to be very modest, but once legalized they would be able to access many more government services.

    The fact that legal immigrants with little schooling are a fiscal drain on federal coffers does not mean that legal immigrants overall are a drain. Many legal immigrants are highly skilled.

    Because many of the costs are due to their U.S.-born children, who are awarded U.S. citizenship at birth, barring illegals themselves from federal programs will not significantly reduce costs.

    Although they create a net drain on the federal government, the average illegal household pays more than $4,200 a year in federal taxes, for a total of nearly $16 billion.

    However, they impose annual costs of more than $26.3 billion, or about $6,950 per illegal household.

    About 43 percent, or $7 billion, of the federal taxes illegals pay go to Social Security and Medicare.

    Employers do not see the costs associated with less-educated immigrant workers because the costs are spread out among all taxpayers.
    [i.e., businesses get all the benefits, and middle-class taxpayers pick up the tab. --WB]


    Costs rise unavoidably because amnesty will not change the low education levels of illegal aliens or the fact that the American economy offers such workers very limited opportunities, regardless of legal status. The vast majority of illegal aliens will continue to have very low incomes, and make very modest tax payments. However, legal status would allow them to use many more programs.
    We know that costs would rise dramatically because legal immigrants with the same levels of education make extensive use of public services. Thus, even though we estimate that average tax payments would rise by 77 percent, we also find that costs would rise 117 percent.

    To understand why this happens, it is helpful to consider a program like the Earned Income Tax Credit, which pays cash to low-income workers. Illegals currently account for only 1.5 percent of the program’s total costs, but if they were legalized their use of the program would grow tenfold because with legal status they would no longer need stolen or bogus Social Security numbers to get the credit. This dramatic rise in costs is not due to laziness on the part of immigrants. In fact, only those who work receive the EITC. The dramatic rise in costs simply reflects the low educational attainment of illegals and their resulting low incomes.


    To the extent that policy makers have considered the fiscal costs of illegal immigration, they have generally tried to reduce the costs while allowing illegals to remain. But this strategy has not been effective because the average illegal already receives less than half as much in services from the federal government as do other households. Moreover, many of the costs are due to their U.S.-born children, who are awarded American citizenship at birth under current law. Other programs are simply too politically sensitive to cut, such as the Women, Infants and Children nutrition program.
    And others costs are unavoidable, such as incarcerating illegals who have been convicted of crimes.

    Conversely, enforcing immigration laws is both popular with voters and administratively more feasible. There are really only two options: either we begin to enforce the law, significantly reducing the number of illegals in the country, or we accept the costs created by the presence of a large pool of unskilled workers.


    A 1997 report by the National Research Council (NRC) on the fiscal impact of immigrants concluded that education levels and resulting income are the primary determinants of tax payments and service use, which is also a central finding of this report.

    The results of this study closely match the findings of a 1998 Urban Institute study. Our estimated average tax payment for illegal households in New York State is almost identical to that of the Urban Institute, when adjusted for inflation.

    The results of this study are also buttressed by an analysis of illegal alien tax returns done by the Inspector General’s Office of the Department of Treasury in 2004, which found that about half had no federal income tax liability, very similar to our findings of 45 percent.

    The panel discussion is open to the public. For more information, contact Steven Camarota at (202) 466-8185 or

But hey, all these people are just white racists trying to create a white-only aryan America, right Ray?

You can stuff your head back in the sand now, and continue slandering people with research and facts on their side, while all you have to offer in counterpoint are your prejudices and liberal blanket hatred of anyone who disagrees with you.

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah Carey
Doesn't change the fact you should kill yourself and save someone else the trouble.

Hmm, let's see, wishing your political opposition was dead...

And a self-described "trannie"

That would make you an alt for... ?

In any case it makes you typical of the vindictive liberal sacks of crap who can't even listen to what their political opposition has to say.

So much for free speech and allowing both sides to be heard. Anyone who disagrees with you should be dead.
How very Stalinist/Maoist of you.

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Hmm, let's see, wishing your political opposition was dead...


That would make you an alt for... ?

...Vladimir Putin...?

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I was thinking a little closer to San Francisco.

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I left my heart there... \:\(

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah Carey
I left my heart there... \:\(

... and your penis !

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
... and your penis !

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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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Este articulo del periodico es para El Wonder Boy. Ojala que el pase un Feliz Navidad Y prospero Ano nuevo.

'Too Many Tamales,' is a new holiday tradition

The children's book has become a play that uses a Mexican ritual to promote the beauty of bilingualism and expose the evils of prejudice.

December 15, 2007

By Sandy Baks

The playbill that landed on my desk touting an East Los Angeles Christmas production featured a familiar drawing -- a clutch of brown-skinned children staring wide-eyed at a plate piled high with tamales.

It brought back memories from 10 years ago, when the book "Too Many Tamales" -- a gift to my family from a Mexican American friend -- briefly joined "The Night Before Christmas" as a favorite holiday book with my then-young daughters.

The story line is simple: A little girl named Maria secretly tries on her mother's diamond ring, then loses it while helping make Christmas tamales.

Afraid to tell, she and her cousins devour the tamales in search of the diamond, but fail to find it. Maria confesses, the ring turns up, mom offers forgiveness and the entire extended family pitches in to make a new batch of tamales.

We knew nothing of tamales, but my girls loved the bright drawings, the drama and the fact that Maria's mother -- unlike their own -- didn't get mad at her troublemaking daughter.

Nursing my holiday memories, I headed last Sunday to Teatro Carmen Zapata -- a small theater inside a dreary building that used to house the city's Lincoln Heights jail -- to watch the Bilingual Foundation of the Arts' stage version of this Christmas fable.

When "Too Many Tamales" was published 14 years ago, it was one of the first children's books about Latinos in the United States to reach a wide American audience.

It introduces a Mexican holiday ritual -- the making of tamales at Christmas, a tradition as familiar to Angelenos of every stripe as the birthday party piñata.

Critics praised the slim volume as a realistic portrayal of a modern Latino family. Local bookstores couldn't keep it in stock; its popularity spread by word of mouth among Mexican Americans hungry for a literary link to holiday traditions.

Author Gary Soto, a Fresno poet, wrote it at the urging of his agent, who thought the uplifting tale might be a big seller. "It was just a sweet story intended to make people feel good, instead of what we see about Latinos in the newspapers daily," Soto told me.

Over time, it became much more. Teachers began reading it to their classes, children told their parents about it. And the Bilingual Foundation of the Arts began staging annual holiday productions, turning "Too Many Tamales" into a sort of instant classic.

The play veers from the story's simple premise in ways that might seem eye-opening to some. It's no predictable "hard-working immigrant family" saga. Imagine the Huxtable family with Spanish accents and Target shopping bags.

Maria's mom is busy climbing the corporate ladder. Her grandma is a diamond-wearing, Lexus-driving silver-haired diva, with a country club membership.

Her tia Rosa is married to a guitar-playing gabacho, whose well-meaning WASP-y father crashes Christmas Eve dinner, drawing good-natured complaints from Maria's parents because he "knows nothing about our traditions. He doesn't even like our food!"

Performed through December -- in Spanish one week and English the next -- the play is laced with subtle commercials promoting the beauty of bilingualism and the evils of prejudice.

It's also sophisticated, charming and laugh-out-loud funny, full of clever topical cultural references.

"Tonito" loves Grandma's homemade tamales enough to lick his fingers after eating them. "You know him as Mayor Villaraigosa," Grandma says, in an aside to the audience.

I'd heard from friends that the play has become an annual holiday touchstone, a sort of "Nutcracker Suite" for local Mexican Americans. So I expected to be the lone black face in the audience.

What was I thinking? This is Los Angeles, after all. Even tamales are multicultural.

Behind me sat the Brownies from West Covina, a mix of ribbons, braids and curls. Across the way was a white family from Woodland Hills, puzzling through the play's Spanish-language portions.

In front of me, a mom scolded her rambunctious young son in Spanish, trying to get him to settle down.

Director and actor Alejandra Flores said the play's popularity has surprised even its promoters. "We thought we were going to stop after 10 years," she said, "but when we made the announcement last year, we heard from so many people . . . 'No, you can't! This is our tradition.' "

Michelle Rodriguez was one of those. "It was my favorite book when I was little," said the 19-year-old from La Puente. For once, it was the Christmas she knew in print. "I could relate to those kids eating the tamales, trying to get out of trouble with the mom."

Susan Hamersky, the Woodland Hills woman attending with her family at the invitation of a friend, saw herself in the Anglo father-in-law, and his awkward attempts to grasp a foreign culture. She described herself as "a plain old American," married to a man whose family is from Estonia. Their traditional Christmas Eve meal features "something called blood sausages."

From the look on her face when she described the meal, I think she wished for just that night that her husband's family were Mexican.

Espero que ahora el no haja una Guerra contra La navidad despues de leyendo esta historia.

El multiculturalismo es su amigo y no tiene nada que temer.

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This is why I think nationalism is for idiots. You realize you're generalizing a whole race don't you by what some mexicans and there govt has done? And yet whenever someone talks shit about America you're the first to start spouting empty patriotic rhetoric in defense of a land mass.

I just have this crazy notion that people should be judged by individual character, not nations, not ethnicities, and not status.

Except Republicans. All those fuckers should be put on a desert island and left to die.*

*Kidding, although Wondy, G-man, Sammitch, and Pariah aren't doing anyone any good.

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here we go again...


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 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
here we go again...

You mean...something happened without you pulling the strings?

I'm shocked.*

*Sarcasm used.

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El español de whomod es muy malo. Although I do hope Wonder Boy has a happy new anus.

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 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
El español de whomod es muy malo. Although I do hope Wonder Boy has a happy new anus.

Fui assimilado!!!!!!!

!Dios Mio!

Oigo que El Wonder Boy va a escribir su propio libro de Navidad titulado "Too Many Mexicans".

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I didn't bother using a translator because I don't really care what you're saying. Just thought you should know.

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thanks for letting us know, pariah. now, did anyone else not translate the secret spanish code?
the secret message is:
Always Drink Your Ovaltine.

who got that?

Bow ties are coool.
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