I'm bored and can't sleep, and the sad thing is, I might have started a similar thread to this one years ago here at Media XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX...


Flashback to about 5 years ago?

Paul Mandral was at a comic book convention. I was hunting old issues of Captain America, and every douche there was asking too much for books I could have gotten on ebay for a better price.

So I'm wading through a wave of fat asses who are gawking at the vampirella knock offs who are desperately trying to sell their underground comics at a makeshift booth (these poor darlings at the booth were talking it up with some of the losers, the whole scene reminded me of seeing sorry ass dudes talk to Hooters waitresses at that restaurant; no fellas they don't find you funny, the girls are just after your money, ask them out and they have an abusive boyfriend that they are going to kick to the curb "just one of these days if they don't straighten out, so maybe next week!")

That was a big paragraph. So yeah...

I'm trying to get to the exit to get the living fuck out of there, when I notice that one dealer wasn't selling books...no, this gent was selling movies. He even had a little TV to preview movies on.

Well, wouldn't you know it? Someone, and who I don't know, because if I did know I would have skullfucked the motherfucker right then and there (see "Full Metal Jacket" for details) requested some...odd Asian movie.

So here's where I picked up...

There was a gang (or maybe just one guy?) and he abducted a girl and her nerdy boyfriend. He shoots the boyfriend, and blood splatters all over the girl's face. Reading the subtitles, the killer goes into a speech about decaying flesh or some business, and then he rips out the dead dude's heart of something (cheap special effects, but still), and then takes a big ol' bite out of it.

Meanwhile, the girl is turned on by this, and the killer starts to kiss her on the face, which still has blood on it, remember? I think they were going to make fuck, which distrubed me to no end.

I have a strong stomach (I once ate at PJP's restaurant) and I'm pretty desensitized toward a lot of things, but this nauseated me. My jaw was close to the ground, and I looked away from the screen to see the creepy fucker who ran the booth was staring at me. I guess he thought I was the weirdo for not getting into a guy kissing a girl who has her dead boyfriend's blood splattered all over her face and such.

My eyes then scanned what other treats he had to offer! Nekromantik, a love story about a girl who fucks corpses, and other demented garbage. Good fucking grief.

Not too far away from this, was a guy who was dressed as Spider-man, who was talking to kids and their parents.

Calgon, take me away.

Can anyone top that?

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

[center][Linked Image from i13.photobucket.com] [/center]

[center][Linked Image from i13.photobucket.com][/center]