Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
he looks like the lonely guy at a party.

Nu-uh. If ever there was a picture that said "Guardian of Gotham" that poster is it.

i dunno. what happens if he sees a robbery or explosion or something?

he's gotta run past accounting, where you know steve is going to talk his ear off, then he's gotta wait for the elevator, which will probably stop off on every floor, and if janet on 6 is there when the doors open, she's going to want to know why he's leaving so early, and thats going to make a huge stir, so he's going to have to feed her some lie, then work his way down to the parking deck to pick up his batmobile, wait in the line of cars while old man johnson, the security guard waves everyone through... and by that time, the joker is gone.

batman can't hang out indoors.