I don't think so. The reference to "ethnic diversity" was, it appears, simply a metaphor, a reminder that colleges embrace diversity of skin color and should also embrace diversity of thought.

In support of this, I would note part of the article I didn't cite, where the author says:
  • Conservative activist David Horowitz and Students for Academic Freedom, a group he supports, advocate an Academic Bill of Rights guaranteeing equality for ideological minorities (typically conservatives) and ensuring that faculty are hired and promoted and students graded solely on the basis of their competence and knowledge, not their ideology or religion. That sounds great in theory, but it could have the unintended consequence of encouraging any student who gets a C to plead ideological bias.

Accordingly, I don't think he's looking for quotas, speech codes or any sort of legislative action on a par with "affirmative action." Instead, it appears that he's suggesting, simply, that colleges should put their biases aside and hire the best person for the job.