Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
109 years old.

Too bad we never hooked up.


i walk through my apartment door, carrying a 30 pack of beer. inside my apartment is now alexis, laquanda, and kathy, the latter two who have each... brought... a 30 pack of miller lite. for those keeping track of the score at home, thats 90 beers. 90 delicious beers.

so then we all start laughin, cuz... you know... thats a shit load of beers. scottie was on his way bringin food and some stogies for he and i to share, and a special gift which he would not reveal, but promised it was not beer, only related to beer, closely. it'd be on beer's top 8.

scottie p washington, who at this point was no longer working for seton hall university and instead was a newly assigned teacher, still came bearing gifts of the seton hall brand. tiny pitchers! or giant cups. they're somewhere in between the two. they're basically giant mugs, taht are, oh, 1-1.5 liters. or quarts. or one of them, i dont remember.

point being, they're way too small to be a useful pitcher, and way too large to be a useful cup. ...for some. but alldaycohol was about disgusting excess more than anything else, and we greatly toyed with the idea of using them as our own personal beverage holders, when lex's sister arrived and sealed the deal.

...by carrying yet another 30 pack of miller lites at her side.

120 beers. for not 120 people. not even 12 people.

the pitchers went into play immediately, each holding roughly 2 beers, and each being emptied with lightning speed, the girls were jealously using their mortal cups, but doing their fair share of drinking, as well. it was a wonderful, wonderful new holiday.

Bow ties are coool.