Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Does it end with Tenant destroying the goverment with six words?

Wrong year, Joseph! Nah, just too much cliched' emotional drivel.

 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
I'm assuming that Voyage of the Damned is the continuation of that cliffhanger which left the Tardis impaled on the Titanic?

That's the one. It goes...the end of Season 3...Timecrash...and this episode we're talking about.

 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
It wasn't bad.

I enjoyed it.

It was okay. I'm not against it. And, it didn't really make me cringe (well, except for the 'slow-motion walking with explosions and fire' stuff...and the "lift" to the bridge). But, it just didn't feel like Who to me, for some reason.

I liked the new theme. I hope they keep it.

I think maybe that's what threw me about this episode. I don't think I like that theme. Maybe it will grow on me. It's just too...techno. It's like they drown out the bassline and add synthesizers. I mean, as long as it's just for this episode, I'm down. But, it will have to grow on me if it's the new season theme.

Tennant was great. He has really come into his own.

Yes, absolutely. I have no problems with Tennant these days. He seems 100% grounded in his portrayal, and knows his persona. I don't like the "Alonse'" thing he keeps saying (as well, I don't know what it's supposed to mean, either). But, all in all, he's a damn good Doctor.

Pro is right there is some Russell T Davies stank on it. However with this one it did need something to light things up.

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I liked the fat couple. I really felt for them. Good characters.

Otherwise Voyage was pretty dark.

Yeah! Maybe that's the other thing. While I realize it was probably intentional on Davies part (I don't know why), this was a very sad episode. I always expect the Christmas episode to lift me up. This did not at all.

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And that villain was c-a-m-p! Holy crap. Was the whole 'head-on-machine' a nod/parody/stab at Davros? Total camp.