Originally Posted By: Pariah
Yes, there's that as well. The having him stand in the middle of the street with a low-brow and glower was obviously meant to give the trailer an epic feel.

90 second teaser trailers are rarely known for their depth and/or thought provocation. it is, by nature, a teaser of the movie's explosive elements; an attempt at generating hype some one-hundred and eighty days before the movie is even available to the public.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah

My main problem is how it's obviously gonna be another big morality/philosophy jig. In the original one, they're going on and on about symbols and identity and principles of action--And then fucking up their own moral standards with the ending. Now we hear Alfred giving lectures on basically the same kind of topics and how he's saying Bruce Wayne is obligated to protect Gotham after its apparently developed a dependence on him (utter bullshit).

how is that wrong, though? its similar to the comics, its an interesting spin on the mythos... whats bad with this?

 Originally Posted By: Pariah

And then fucking up their own moral standards with the ending.

the "imma let you die in the train" part?

that, i didn't really like. could absolutely live with in a mostly perfect movie representation of batman, but i didn't like it so much.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah

The only thing I can give credit to Nolan for is his consistency. He knew from the very beginning that these storylines would never fly with the original Batman character since he had a dual identity. Now, with his strictly Bruce Wayne in a Batsuit persona, this little breakdown he's going to have fits Wayne's MO perfectly since the real Batman would be too driven to suffer such a handicap.

as others have said, there really is no "real batman" yet. at least that is how i interpret this series thus far. its a miller year one, not a miller dark knight.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah

To top it off, the Joker isn't choosing to smile and laugh like his definitive character does. His face just got fucked up that way and so he runs along with it; he's not really insane...That is to say, he's not really super-sane. At least Burton had Nicholson lose it after developing his skin-condition.

the joker's "definitive" origin in comicdom, "the killing joke", saw him as a regular guy until falling into acid, and thus he "ran along with it." i think thats a crap definitive origin, but whatever -- at the very worst, its the movie taking from the source material.

whats more, i dont think we really know what the persona of the joker is pre-scarring. or even how he got the scar. maybe he did it himself? maybe he was just a fucked up guy in his early life? maybe he microwaved cats? maybe, like two-face, and/or theoretically like the "TKJ" joker, he was crazy all along but hid it, until his outter shell matched his insides, and his craziness spilled to the forefront.

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